Thursday, June 02, 2011

Eco Music Challenge Showcase @ Timbre The Substation

I believe that it's not just an individual effort but the effort of the whole community to make our Earth a clean and green place to live in. However, as an individual, there still so much to be done. If you have a talent at songwriting and you love the environment and always wanted to raise awareness and reach out to more people to do the same, here's your chance to fulfill both at the same time and win fantastic prizes! Simply write a song for a Clean & Green Singapore in the NEA Eco Music challenge 2011 (back for Season 2) and submit your song compositions at before it ends on 20 June 2011. The top 10 finalists will be announced on 11 July 2011 and the Top 3 Winners will be announced on 27 August  2011. Be sure to get your supporters to vote as voters got a chance to win an iPod Nano 16GB.

5 June being the World Environment Day and falls on a Sunday, let us do something meaningful for the environment. There's still plenty of time to start racking your brains for ideas before the closing date. As for me who do not have the talent of song composing, I will continue to pledge my love for the environment by following the three "Rs"


I reduce the use of plastic bags when I go out by bring my own recycling bags. Seriously, when the recycling bag is folded up, it don't really take up much space of your bag so I've already made it a habit to bring out with me all the time. 


When it comes to the end of the year, what did you do with the table calenders? Throw? Don't! Reuse them and turn them into a lovely greeting card for your friend. Not only does this gift have added sincerity, you also helped to bring across this important message of saving the earth by reusing. 


My house has this bag used to contain all the paper waste and we would bring it to recycle when it's full.

Now, let me blog about this event that was brought to us by the National Environment Agency (NEA) and I got my invitation from Omy. This event, held at Timbre The Substation, showcase some of the songs in Eco Music Challenge Season 1.

A pretty cool place, it's my second time there. Music is a good platform to reach out to everybody we just have to listen closely to the meaningful lyrics. 

A photo with Marilyn Tan from NEA who sat down with us and introduced more on this event to us. Understand from her that this is the first time they are extending out to bloggers while the last season, they only used mainstream advertising. Had a nice chat before she have to left and mingle with other bloggers. 

Light refreshments was provided. 

Desmond Koh was the Emcee for this event.

It's live performance, the first song was called "Heaven on Earth" by Haramain Osman. Didn't managed to take any video of this as was eating.

点亮梦 (Chinese Rock) by a group of students from Singapore Poly. 

The Earth is a Friend of mine 

We took a break and enter into the quiz time session. Took some yummy tarts and puffs too.

我的世界 by Yin Liang and his band. I like this song very much.

Next up, we have Jill-Marie Thomas from "One Moment of Glory". She performed two songs, first as a guest performer for Heaven on Earth (CGS 2011 theme song) and the other is a Cover of Fireworks by Katy Perry. 

Before I left, also purchased the Eco Music Challenge Season 1 CD. There's really a lot of great songs inside with meaningful lyrics dedicated to the envrionment. All proceeds goes to Nature Society Singapore to support the appreciation of our bio-diversity at Semakau Landfill. It's an enjoyable evening of great music and company. 

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