Sunday, September 06, 2009

Bukit Timah CC BGM @ Kusu Island

After the Clementi BGM, I was invited to attend another BGM which is under Bukit Timah. This BGM was to be held on a ferry that will bring us to Kusu Island. Meet Lis at Tanjong Pagar for a free transport to the Marina Pier. Throught the journey, Lis and I were both too absorbed reading the book called "Talk easy, Listen Hard". We were trying to analyse which personality we belongs to. I think I belong to the PEACEFUL type. Can't remember the exact name they called it already. We both also felt that bf belongs to the same type as me but he say he's can't find any of the keywords that matches him.

Taken at the pier while waiting for our ferry.

LOL. From lyrics of Katy Perry's Hot N Cold.

We were finally on the ferry. It was quite shaky on board and we were abit worried whether we will get sea sick when we eat our lunch on board afterward.

Lis and I as usual were laughing out loud on a certain topic.

Finally we reached Kusu Island!!! It was my first time there but it was drizzling. Kusu island was also called the "turtle island" in chinese because there's a legend saying that a turtle turned itself into this island in order to save the two shipwrecked sailors - a Malay and a Chinese. Another obvious saying is that they felt that the island takes on the shape of a turtle. Hehe.

Okay, this is like a wishing well, after we make a wish, we would toss our coins and try to hit the either one of the three bells. I supposed if we hit it right at the first shot the wish would have a higher chance of coming true. I tried two times before getting it.

Kusu island is famous for its temple of the Dua Peh Gong I think. On the ninth month of lunar calendar, many worshippers would visit this island. Today was not any particular day so the whole island was actually quite desserted.

Every few steps we walked, we saw tortises. Haha.

Taken while waiting for our ferry to go back to mainland Singapore. I love that Chinese dragon ship that was serves as the backdrop. However, our ferry arrived late was also partly due to this Chinese Boat not moving away and obstucted our ferry. We had our lunch on board and the committee members did a small performance for us by singing "朋友" and one of them even played the guitar. It was a great experience. I would definitely go again two years later. Hehe.

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