Sunday, September 06, 2009

Army Open House 2009 @ Pasir Laba Camp

Army Open House is an annual event. An orientation for the soon-to-be enlisted boys. A recollections of memories for the ORD-guys and an eye opener for the women.

This building is all camouflage up so that it won't be so easily spotted up in the air.

There are lots of aircrafts at this open field. There's long queue forming particularly everywhere either to get to the inside of the plane or just to take a photo sitting in it.

Managed to get on this plane called Chinnok. The inside quite stuffy.

LEFT: OMG, The gun was heavy. RIGHT: The woman beside Lis so extra la.

Bro is in "full no. 4 uniform" while me only wear the cap. LOL. Lazy to change to full uniform.

A video on warzone showing us what would happened IF there's a war in Singapore. Very real life.

The field ration tasting. Wah. My favourite counter. Hahaha. The food actually quite nice lo. Got spaghetti and dessert somemore. One of the dessert called the "Creamy Terigu with Yam" is my bf favourite but he say seldom get one. Only when you are very lucky then get.

This one is the Treadmill March. My bro got to try marching with a full pack and gun carried on. Not easy. I think the person-in-charge say the army speed is must reach 5 something. Cannot imagine. Bro also found his friend and his friend followed us and guiding us around since he's one of the in-charge there.

Face-painting. They ran out of colours so we didn't get a chance to do it like the army style. Somemore for mine, the colour so pale not matching my complexion.

Marching. Know one of the song. Chan Mali Chan, Hey Hey.

The Army Magamart is like a funfair for kids and with lots of stall selling food stuff. Like food expo like that.

Nothing much to do. It was about 5pm plus le. So we all took turns to hold the gun. We took the unloaded gun so that it's not so heavy.

Looking through a visor. Everything look through this device is black and white.

Dinner time. We were really exhasted and hungry being a full day outside. So we just went in to whichever we saw that have seats available. This korean Shabu Shabu was quite nice la.

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