Friday, December 20, 2013

Vince Vaughn || Delivery Man at The Cathay

Define the word "Delivery" and you will get two completely different meaning of this word. 

1) the action of transporting letters or goods
2) the process of giving birth 

In this movie, David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn) fits in the two definition above. He got the easiest job in his father's meat market working as the delivery man, literally and even though he can't possibly give birth, he is responsible for being the biological father of 533 children, that is on top of learning that his girlfriend, Emma (Cobie Smulders) is pregnant with his child. 

The 533 children came about due to the fertility clinic over-using the sperms he donated over 693 times in order to earn some quick money to customers. Now, even though he signed an anonymity clause and is only known by the pseudonym of "Starbuck", 142 of the children are filing a lawsuit trying to find out who exactly their father is.

He was given a pile of envelope containing the profile of his 142 children or plaintiffs in the case of the lawsuit. Brett (Chris Pratt), his legal friend and a father of four warns him not to open the envelope but he did (or else there won't be this movie) and set his mind that if he cannot be the father of these children, he will be their guardian angel instead.  

Picture Source :

Picture Source :

So he starts checking in on the kids in real life and each time, he did something to help and support them. Won't go too much in details for this if not it would be a spoiler. In brief, he met a NBA player, a barista turned actor, a drug addict turn salesgirl, a lifeguard, street musician, manicurist, author, street story taller, a severely disabled young man on wheelchair, and a super sensitive guy who yearns deeply for attention and family love. 

There's a lot of scenes which I find rather heartwarming. The touching conversation David and his father had, the different encounters between David and the different children, as well as his final decision to declare his real identity despite the court announcing that it's not under legal for him to do so. Whether he wants to identify himself or not is in his own hand and to him, for the first time in his life, he felt that he is doing the right thing.   

It's a happy ending to this movie, a super big reunion and big different for this man. Thanks Nuffnang for the movie tickets that I got to watch it before its release.

Rating: 4/5


Based on the original Screenplay "Starbuck" by Martin Petit
Director: Ken Scott
Release date: 1 January 2014
Don't forget to check out their website for more details and photo/video gallery at

Some Christmas-y photos of me to end this post. 

Beneath the giant Christmas tree is a photo booth that takes photos and post on the Facebook page of Cathay Lifestyle. However, I simply can't find the photos I took. One suggestion to them to improve on this is to allow us to key in our email and sent us the direct link or the photo. Regret not taking a photo of the screen to capture it. 

Giant gift box and giant Christmas tree.

Not easy to capture the full Christmas tree with the star on top. Thanks a lot! Merry Christmas, everyone! 

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