Saturday, November 17, 2012

XD Theater 6D Motion Ride - Canyon Coaster

I bet you've heard of 3D movies and 4D rides before, but have you heard of the 6D Motion ride at XD Theater? No? Then, buckle up as I'll be sharing the 6D Motion ride experience in this post!  

Gotten the complimentary ticket during the Fright Fest 2012 event at Singapore Flyer. Read back the post here. 6D stands for the 3D experience (3D) + extreme wind effects (1D) + light effect (1D) + movement of the seat (1D).  

Shu Qing, Jessie, Terence, William and I were seated at the front row
Some of the facts on the XD theater is that this is a single seat based theaters instead of a platform based rides. Technically, it's a single seat motion technology with individually controlled seats at up to 400 movements per second. So if one seat is affected, the remaining seats can still function. Another great advantage of this is that, if you feel unwell halfway through the ride, you can just unbuckle your own seat belt and the motion will stop for you only. It won't affect the people sitting next to you and they can still carry on to enjoy the ride. Unparalleled speed simulation is accompanied by freedom of movement of the seats.     

Image source :
This is their movie list currently but I have no idea did we choose to watch the Canyon Coaster or we were just assigned this movie that day. Jett and Jin are more family oriented as the rides are milder so those with kids can choose to watch this. According to most reviews that I've read online, the Canyon Coaster is the most popular and most thrilling rides out of the four. 

I'm not a thrill-seeking person and I can't really recall the last I went on a real roller coaster ride. I just try to avoid getting onto one as much as possible cause just the thoughts of riding a roller coaster is enough to make my stomach churn. So I was a bit worried about this at first and held on tightly to the metal bar in front. 

My fear was unnecessary because overall the Canyon Coaster was more of a fun and enjoyable ride. I can't say this is thrilling, I think it's more thrilling when I ride as a pillion rider on my bf's bike. For this ride, we basically follow the roller coaster through the canyons, into the caves and out again. I felt that the duration of 5 minutes is too short and the lack of story line actually make this ride lost to most of the other rides. There's one part whereby the roller coaster dropped into the water and we expected to get splashed but apparently, nope. The strong wind effect and the movement of the seat is a good experience though. 

In my opinion, I think it's worth a try at least once. At least, for those who fear riding the real roller coaster, this is a great substitute! So hurry down to the Singapore Flyer to purchase your tickets.   

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