Monday, December 30, 2013

Countdown to a colourful SILOSO BEACH PARTY 2013/14 : DIY - How to Tie Dye a Plain White Shirt

Asia's largest and most colourful beach countdown party will be held at Siloso Beach. This year, they are introducing a COLOUR theme countdown event, so be there to have some fun and be prepared to be splash with tons of colours while ushering in the new year!

Being their official COLOUR ambassador, I was delighted to receive a big parcel on boxing day. Inside has all the necessary items to gear up and have a colourful countdown. 

A peek at what's inside the parcel! So many goodies and fun stuff for us to DIY, I can't wait to try them all out. So yesterday, being a Sunday and that I have more time at home, I tried the first DIY:

Tie Dye a plain white t-shirt. 

What is needed: 

1) Plain White T-Shirt
2) Fabric dye/Powdered dye
3) Salt
4) Empty bottles
5) Warm water 

Basically that's all that is needed!

Steps to prepare the coloured dye: 

1) Filled the 3 empty bottles with the different powdered dye 
2) Add one tablespoon of salt
3) Add 500ml of warm water. 
4) Shake well

Here's what I got! Green, Yellow and Red. That's like traffic light colours! 

Next, let's prepare the t-shirt. This is the more crucial part, what kind of design it would turned out to be will depend on how you turn the damp shirt. Remember to wet the t-shirt first before turning. 

I'm creating the spiral effect so this is the shape that I get. Use rubber bands to tie the shirt up so that you can get the different section as well as to hold the t-shirt, otherwise it will open up. 

Time to pour in the colours! I love this part. I'm actually hesitating whether to pour some more or not. Because I'm quite worried how the tie-dye will turned out as the colours start to intersect. Cause the red and green is so obvious compared to the yellow. Remember to flip over and colour the other side. 

Once done, put the shirt into a zip-lock bag and leave overnight. 

And, ta-dah, this is what I get today! Remember to rinse and wash and dry first. So happy, the design turns out well! 

Selfie time! Love this simple DIY that anyone can try at home! Furthermore, this design would be uniquely mine! I don't think I would have anybody wearing the same t-shirt as me. Heehee. 

Thank you! 

For more information about the Siloso Countdown Beach Party, please refer to 

Understand that online ticketing is already closed. If you would still like to go to this party, you can still buy tickets onsite at S$ 65. 

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