Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gala Premiere : Saving General Yang 忠烈楊家將 at Festive Grand Theatre

The Gala Premiere for Saving General Yang 忠烈楊家將 was successfully held at the Festive Grand Theatre, Resorts World Sentosa and I felt so lucky I'm there to watch it before it was officially release on the 4th April 2013. Not only that, the appearance of Ekin Cheng, Wu Chun, Vic Chou and Director Ronny Yu during the red carpet held before the movie was a big bonus!  

Was already looking forward to this Gala Premiere since yesterday when bro told me he won a pair of tickets from the PIONEER Magazine contest and he can bring me if I can make it. He choose to ask me before his friends as you can see, the casts are all tall and handsome guys so must ask someone who can appreciate better. Woohoo. Hahaha.  

  Look at the huge crowds consisting of fans, media, photographer and public that has been there since around 7.30pm for the red carpet!!! We were there around that time too in order to get a good standing spot for good view later on. 

It's only until around 8.30pm before the host, Jiahui and Kun Hua from Y.E.S. 93.3FM came to the stage. I was sweating and fidgeting like mad by then. 

And finally... The special appearance!!! OMG! Everybody just went crazy snapping photos. But why Wu Chun looked so sad in this photo and Ekin face was being blocked and Vic Zai Zai's face was cut off. Only Director Ronny Yu's has a great smile but his eyes was closed! Alamak. 

Much nicer photos taken later. Thanks bro for helping me to take these photos. Being taller has got him much better view than me. The photos I took ALL are photos of other cameras only! Sad face.   

Another chance for us to take photos of the idols. 

   How can my post don't have a single photo of me??? Lolol!!! Ok, so before I continue with the movie review, here's the only photo I took of myself inside the theatre.


All photos below are credited to : Google Search

Saving General Yang is a Hong Kong film directed by Ronny Yu and the storyline is based on the legendary Generals of the Yang Family. Knowing that this type of historical movie might not interest the youngsters that much, the director decided to make it into an idol- like drama show. Thus, he is very selective of the casts. The height of the guys must be above 1.80m and the weapons are much taller. Basically, this movie would like to bring out the message of loyalty to the country as well as filial piety of the seven sons to their father during this wartime in the Song Dynasty.    

Adam Cheng as General Yang and his seven son - Ekin Cheng as Yang Dalang, Yu Bo as Yang Erlang, Vic Chou as Yang Sanlang, Li Chen as Yang Silang, Raymond Lam as Yang Wulang, Wu Chun as Yang Liulang and Fu Xinbo as Yang Qilang.  

Do not be late for the movie cause the opening scene shows Wu Chun and Fu Xinbo topless!!! WOWOWOW!!! Cannot miss okay? So handsome~~ This first scene is actually a punishment scene. Want to know why? Go watch the movie tomorrow. I shall not be a spoiler here. Hehe. 

According to the director, Ekin Cheng was chosen to take up the role of the eldest son as he has the 大哥的风范。In my opinion, I think it's cause he's the oldest there. :X 

Vic Chou only have like 5 lines in the movie. His role is mainly focused on his emotions and his facial expression which he has indeed handled really well. Director said that he and Zai Zai meet up for a chat before the production and Zai Zai only speak three lines to him, "Hello!" "How you want me to act?" "Thank you!" There is one act of him with a baby and you can really feel his love through his eyes. Zai Zai is also happy with this 沉默寡言 role. 他模拟狼的眼神就是他为这部电影做的功课。And I totally liked this scene as in the above photo. He and the enemy was trying to hunt each other down and the arrows just keep shooting through the tall field. The ending for him was a bit shocking and unexpected. 

The director spent a lot of time with every actor to get to know them better. Wu Chun was touched when the director told him about this story and after some research, he was even more fond of this storyline as it touches the family matters. There is a horse riding scene whereby he have to carry his father on his back and everything is real. He's not sitting on a fake horse. So the effect is truly impressive. 

The seven brothers with their different weapons and armors. This is a very thrilling and action-packed movie. During filming, nobody would feel scare, all they hoped is that they won't have to repeat the scene again. 

Remember to watch it when it's out in the cinema! 

Thanks for reading! :)

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