Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sherlyn's ROM at Northvale, The Social Lounge

Went to attend ly's solemnization today. Can still remember how we used to discussed about who would be the first to get married in the group during our Poly days. Back in those days, we only talk about crushes and only one of us is in a relationship. The rest of us all managed to get into a relationship after graduation. Even till today, we are still on this topic. The difference is that now it's not us who initiates this topic first, but it's usually those who are already married.

 So they would start asking: "when is your turn?" 
Of course we didn't have the answer to this question so we started pointing our fingers around and saying: "Oh, not before XXX and XXX does!"

So funny, used to think it's better to get married earlier then others, used to think 25 is a suitable age to get married in the past but now seems like all of us are postponing.       

Pretty bride with 12 roses. 12 roses stands for "Be Mine" according to this website. And 108 roses stands for "Will you marry me" OMG! Seriously I won't be able to count if there's really 108 roses or not if I am given with that much of roses and bf's response was O.o OMG too when I told him that! Seriously, I think I'm not a florist so I don't wish to receive so much roses either since they don't last long too.

Finally, husband and wife under the Singapore's law.

The solemnization ceremony is carried out in Chinese. This is the first time I heard the whole solemnization being so formal and in Chinese. The first one I attended at a roof top bar is quite relaxing, the second one at hotel was not as lengthy but this one is formal and lasted about 10 minutes. The woman who carried out this solemnization ceremony gave a brief introduction to us as a counsellor.

What are the kids doing? Playing games and balloons from the decorations.

Poly friends

Their family and relatives

Now is friend's turn to take photos with the bride and groom.

Taking more photos with just the bride outside the function room.

Bride posing for more photos.

Congrats to this couple!

The buffet.

The whole ceremony lasted about 1 hour and we thought 3 hours were gone already and were shocked to see the time still quite early. Walked around Lot 1 before we went back home. Wanted to get bubble tea but it was still rainning so in the end never get any.

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