Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dogs make the best companions

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not. As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right in front of us, if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners and pure intentions to help us see."-- John Grogan

No, these are not my dogs but they are so adorable, I decided to feature them.  

The dog in the first photo is given the name "Fa Cai". She was adopted by my father's boss and kept at the factory. Whenever I'm free I will follow my father down to the factory to feed her with the dog food. There's another black dog called Bobby at the factory too but Fa Cai is the more playful one. Even though she have her own share of food, she would take a few bites and run over to steal Bobby's food. Very naughty, so whenever it's meal time, we have to separate the two dogs, with one locked inside.  

The second photo is Jessie's furkid, Coco. She is a very obedient dog. When you seat her on a chair she would not jump down on her own. Just sit there quietly. She would only bark when strangers came to her house.  

The last two photos are taken on two different occasion near my office. The poodles are so cute and looks like soft toys. My mother keep insisting that they are not real although I've told her many times they are real and can run about. Occasionally  I will see them when I walked my usual route from the office to the bus stop and sometimes I would stopped and play with them. They are quite fierce mind you, despite their cute appearance.  
How I wish I have a furkid as a companion too but I guess I do not have the time and commitment to take care of them. So I can only take photos of them and share them online. :)

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