Friday, September 16, 2011

Singapore's First Holographic Fashion Show at 313 @ Somerset

Fashion show of the 21st century no longer requires real models to catwalk down the stage. Instead, with the advancement in technology, all we need is a specially constructed black box plus some technology input and a deejay to play some loud music and we'll get to watch a Holographic Fashion Show!

I'm just starting my own "Fashion Show" with the cute graffiti on the wall. 

Located along 313@Somerset's Discovery Walk at Level 1 from 16 to 25 September is the showcase of a three-dimensional image of the model inside a black box. This holographic model will change her outfits and accessories continuously from 10 am to 11pm daily

This Holographic Fashion Show, which is Singapore's first time incorporating technology with fashion is just one of the highlight of 313@Somerset's six week FASHION+ Campaign that engage and excite shoppers with a different way of presenting the latest items from the mall.  

Also called FASHION+REVEAL under the campaign, this type of display not only save cost and space, it also attracts curious passer-by to stop and look. The best thing is, the "model" do not need to rest. The show can go on and on. Haha. Below is a video that I took of how the holographic model changes her outfit.

Taking a break and snack on some Tako while taking more photos of the outfits at Forever 21.

Another highlight of the FASHION+ campaign is the FASHION+DISPLAYS that showcase trendy matching outfits paired with accessories, bags, shoes and more. A good news for us, the shoppers is that we get to enjoy a 30% discount on all the items featured on the displays while OCBC cardmembers get an additional 5% more. It's such a convenient way to shop. Everything is already perfectly matched together. We no longer need to have the problem of buying one blouse but not knowing what skirt can match it or vice verse. 

Let's see if I can find anything suitable.

The last outfit changing that I watched before going home. I'm really curious on how it works that the model looks so real but a bit disappointed that it's only one screen. How about making a long tunnel of many different holographic models changing outfits? That probably needs much higher budget to build. 

To find out more information on this FASHION+ campaign and the current promotions, do visit the 313@Somerset Facebook Page


Anonymous said...

great blog on First Holographic Fashion designing,
I believe that the post has perfect collection of fashion style

ChewyJas said...

thank you so much !