Monday, September 19, 2011

Fright Night Movie at The Cathay


Thanks to Nuffnang for this pair of movie tickets which I watched with Missy T.
A remake of the same title movie in 1985, Fright Night is nothing like your usual horror movie.

Setting is in the suburb of Las Vegas where all the houses look exactly the same, it created a mystery atmosphere of who's living inside. 


Ed: "I really hate to be the one to tell you this but that guy, your neighbour?"
Charley: "Jerry?"
Ed: "Yeah, he's a vampire."
Charley: "That is a terrible vampire name. Jerry?"

Jerry sounds like a nice and normal name, with his laid back attitude and cool looks, nobody would have thought that he's actually a blood sucking vampire by night who will morphed into a horrible looking monster when he's in desperate need of blood. 


Some of the interesting mythology about vampires that were further shown in the movie: 

1. A vampire reflection will not be shown in the mirrors or videos. They would just appear as non-existence.
2. A vampire could not enter an occupied house unless he was invited to do so. Thus, there was a scene showing Jerry wanting to enter Charley's house by giving a reason of wanting to borrow some beers. Charley who is already suspicious of Jerry's identity kept him at bay though. 
3. Stake through the heart is the most common known way of exterminating a vampire but in the movie it didn't worked. It is explained that the person needs faith for crosses to be effective. Charley doesn't really believe in religion so the cross caught fire when Jerry touches it. It would have worked it a true believer held it. So is it about time that we better start having a religion? 
4. Vampires are afraid of the sunlight. They would turned into ash under the sunlight as seen in the movie. 

Missy T and I both find this movie more entertaining and funny rather than scary. I am more frighten by the loud sound effect than the visual effect while she was laughing out loud in most of the scenes. A lot of action packed scenes too especially in the scenes whereby Charley fought with Ed. There's even one part of which shows Ed's hand got chopped off by the door and his hand was still wriggling inside the room. LOL. Missy T later commented that they should be more substance to the story line like why Jerry keep targeting at Charley's family? Can't he just go to other's houses instead of having to burn the house down and chase them off in the car chase. I would just rate this a 2.5/5 stars for this movie. 


Kelvin said...

2.5/5, tats a low rating. But is it entertaining?

ChewyJas said...

ya , depends on individual I guess , my bro watched it yesterday and finds it not bad . Yes it's entertaining , not the kind u will fall asleep in the middle of the movie one .