Thursday, November 11, 2010

Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge - The Revelation‏ at St. James Power Station Boiler Room

A special invitation from to the final event of the Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge where the grand winner would be crowned. I have not been following up on this challenge and did not read beforehand of what this challenge is about. Urban homme makes me thinks that it's some kind of home renovation challenge. However it's not. It's actually a challenge to select one champion out of the six finalists to be the representative for this new brand called Urban Homme. Urban Homme is a face and body studio just for men under Mary Chia.

Presented with a kiss and goodie bag redemption coupon.

Emeric Lau.

Darren Ng

Peter James Breitkreutz

Daniel Goh

The six finalist all went through intensive treatments and were transformed. Who should I give this smoochy lips to?

Redeemed from the drink coupon. Pure whisky and Bourbon coke.

Our dinner. Devil's Wings and Teriyaki Chicken Pizza. The pizza was nice but not the wings.
Total cost $31.40.

Getting votes.

Contestants looking around to judge who has gotten the most votes.

And the winner is . . .


Mary Chia herself gave the prize to him.

Now he's SGD 2,000 richer in his pocket!

The final Champion is Darren Ng. For more details of this events and the blogs of these finalist, please visit this website.

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