Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Haircut + Ok Tea

Yes. Have been postponing the trip to the salon for weeks and finally today's the day I couldn't stand my long hair anymore. I really hates long hair especially when they tangles up after bathing and how it takes ages for them to dry. Since I've just recovered from my flu, I might as well cut away the ends of the hair. Cutting away all the bad luck and virus. I did some colouring too. Picked two colours which is Cinnamon and Chocolate Raspberry. My hairdresser, May helped me finalized on chocolate Raspberry.  

After, my haircut, while waiting for bf to meet me for dinner, I went to the bubble tea hot spot. Ok Tea has hired one staff to give out samples of their honey milk tea with pearls. Tried it and find it not bad so bought one cup. Beats queueing for Koi. I bought a new flavour called Caramel milk tea with pearls but hates it so passed the rest to bf to finish it up. Should have sticked to the same as the sample.

Ok Tea. Ok Ok only. How to win KOI?

Rest of the flavour.

Long long queue for KOI.

Ok ok queue for Ok tea

No queue for Bubble queue.

HAHAHA. Really no lack of bubble tea at Clementi. Three bubble tea shops fighting for business just at the central area and one more Sweet Talk inside City Vibe! I wonder how long they will last.  

After that cup of bubble tea, I suddenly got a mad rush to shop for shoes. Ended up buying 4 pairs of shoes (one black, pink, white, blue) and immediately become the VIP member. LOL. Two pairs need to be reserved as the shop don't have my size anymore. Size 35 feet is really hard to find shoes sometime. So once I've got the feel to buy, I'll buy more at one go. :)

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