Monday, October 04, 2010

Astons Specialities at Keypoint Shopping Centre

Mention Keypoint Shopping Centre and I bet most of you haven't even heard of this place unless you are working nearby. Bf have craving for Astons Rib so he asked me to wait for him at Bugis before he fetch me to this Astons outlet at Keypoint Shopping Centre at Beach Road.  

I love this outlet. They played songs that were popular during my school days, like songs from Westlife, backstreet boys etc. Furthermore, it's not that crowded.

Creamy mushroom soup.

Want a spoonful?

His medium rare Prime Rib X'tra cut with coleslaw and corn. The coleslaw and corn was super sweet and tasty.

My delicious chicken spaghetti.

The interior.

Menu of the day

Nice place. Bf said it's so much better than Botak J____.

Beside Astons, there is a shop that sells all goodies of Korea. Spotted some super cheap peanut sweets packed in a container at the cashier counter that were selling at 10 for 20cents. Imagine buying 100 sweets, it would just cost $2!! Haha. In the end I bought 30 of them. Lazy to stand there counting. Also bought another packet of blueberry sweet. Now I wish bf have more craving to eat Astons so I have more reason to shop there. :)

Total cost: $24.40
Atmosphere: 4.5/5 (when it's not so crowded and playing my favourite songs)
Food: 4.5/5


LiS said...

bring me there 1 day!

ChewyJas said...

okie ;)