Saturday, August 08, 2009

Superdog @ Vivo + Bukit Timah National Day Celebration

I had a date with Samena today. Boss told us to knock off early since we are all in holiday mood. As Alvin is driving us around today, I think we should hang out elsewhere instead of going to just the nearby Anchorpoint. So we go Vivo City. On the car, we were thinking where to eat and whenever there's a circumstances like this whereby everyone don't know what to eat and will say anything, I will see what vouchers I have on hand. Simple. Today, I have Superdog vouchers with me so that set our lunch. Both Alvin and I did not try before Superdog. We waited and waited for our burgers to come then Alvin commented that they took quite long hor. I faster reply, "cause quality comes before speed ma." Not I say one, it's the Superdog Rules! See, I even took a photo to back up my saying. Haha. The food finally came, then we were missing one more packet of fries and after enquire, the staff say it's their mistake and bring us the fries and even refunded Alvin some money. Hahaha. We all laughed at him for he looked quite stun still can get refund. I personally quite like their hotdog sandwich and wouldn't mind eating it again. The fries also quite unqiue but they've added some beef on the fries, so for those who doesn't eat beef, they have to go for the normal fries which I think lose out to other fast food restaurant one. After eating, Alvin went to wash his car and Samena and I went to walk around. Samena brought me to the National Geographic Retail Store. It was such a cool place but I never go in before. There's a section whereby you can pay $1 to enter a glass room to get a feeling of what it feels like to be in sub zero temperature. We also have fun looking at the photographs and commenting on them.


Evening time, went back home, took a short nap and went out again to the Bukit Timah National Day Celebration. My parents went to the Boon Lay Resident Committe (RC) activities so left me and bf to attend our own RC organise one. One look at the leftlet and it's like not very fun. For aunties like that hor. All the singers are like I don't recognise one leh so actually abit don't feel like going one. Until bf came over and say the free shuttle bus is downstair already. Okay la. Since there's free transport so I just go lor.

True enough, 95% of the folks on board are aunties. So Paiseh but we forget our paiseh-ness when we gotten our goodie bags. Ate the rasin bun provided and the milk rabbit candies.

We reached there quite early and the first performance were puppet show of Journey to the West. As dinner was not provided, bf went to the coffee shop opposite to takeaway nasi lemak for me.

A magic show followed after. There were also lots of fun stuff for the kids.

So I thought the performances would be boring but actually, some of the songs sang are quite famous oldies like 今夜不回家。There's also an english pop song "I hate myself for loving you".

A lion dance ushered in the Guest of Honur - Mrs Yu Fu Yee Shoon and also Dr Vivien Balakrishnan.

Sang some National day songs.

We were also lucky enough to won the consolation prize in the lucky draw. Gotten a $10 NTUC voucher.

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