Friday, September 17, 2010

PlayStation Move - Motion Controller + Game

Really glad that we choose to buy a Playstation 3 instead of Wii last time cause now, the Playstation 3 not only can use the normal controller but they've came out with this new PlayStation Move, a motion-sensing game controller. This allows gamers to play games like the wii. Further more, the orb at the head of the controller will glow in any of a full range colours using LEDs.

Currently, there is a bundled package. The controller set which includes one game cost $129, an additional controller cost $69. We bought the one that comes with the game called "Start the Party". The shopkeeper told us that this is the game that you can register your face to the characters inside. Sounds fun. There's also alot of other games like "Sports Champions"  that offers up to 6 different sports games, "Kungfu Rider" whereby you sit on a swivel chair and tour around the streets of Hong Kong to escape from the notorious triads. Even games like Resident Evil 5 can be played using this motion controller! 

I am personally anticipating the release of "Sorcery" game. Love this type of magic, sorcery storyline. :D Will post up more details and photos after I've tried it when I've got time. Stay tuned to find out. :)


Theeggyolks said...

wow! that's awesome!

ChewyJas said...

yup.. pretty cool :)