Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Charlie St. Cloud at ILuma Filmgarde

Received a SMS from the nuffnang team informing me that I've been selected to catch this movie - Charlie St Cloud and I only have 15 minutes to decide and RSVP. By right, those who have won would have received the confirmation e-mail yesterday. So I guess some of the winners couldn't make it and I was lucky enough to get in. :)

Charlie St Cloud

I felt that the trailer has somewhat cover the storyline of the whole movie. Charlie and his brother Sam was very closed, both died in a car accident, Charlie was brought back to life and was given a "gift" that is to see the spirits of dead people. So he and his brother make a promised to meet every evening. For years, they lived this way until Charlie met the love of his life, Tess. The twist in this movie is when we realised that Tess whom Charlie saw and chatted with was actually her spirit and not the human form. The real Tess has met with a mishap out in the sea when her sailboat sank and her body couldn't be found for 3 days. So we thought so sad, Charlie's precious brother is dead, now even his lover is also dead. However, she was brought back to life with the help of Charlie and also Sam (as his soul guided the direction out in the sea). The movie ends with Charlie and Tess together on the sailboat.

Must admit most of the time while watching this movie, I'm really just admiring Zac Efron. He's so dashing acting as Charlie with his blue eyes and tousled hair. Storyline wise, this movie actually didn't bring out the emotions that well. I even have thoughts of getting the novel in order to get a better insights of the story so I went to the National Library Board website to check if there's any available but all were on loan. Only those in Chinese were available.  

Goodies that comes along with the movie tickets includes the "I love nuffnang badge" Charlie St Cloud movie poster.


Dinner/supper time

Yummy Pig Organ soup at this stall near Lavender market. Too bad I don't know how to appreciate this dish. I only eat like the rice, the soup, the chili, the tofu and abit of the pork meat. I don't like the pig intestine etc. 

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