Sunday, September 26, 2010

PS3: PlayStation Move : Start the Party !

Congrats to bf for officially completing Final Fantasy XIII ! ! !
It too him just half a year to complete this game, achieving 100% trophy rates.
Of course, he did so with the help of the guidebook that he also bought.
Otherwise, I think he might need a longer time.
Next on his game list is Dragon Age Origins.
Another RPG game.
It's to be played from scratch, starting at 0%.

The trophy completion list.
Has completed 97% of Mini Ninjas.
The remaining 3% requires us to re-play the whole game from level one.
 That trophy (Stop! Futo Time!) is to simply use Futo (one of the Character) to kill at Least one samurai on every level.
Incredibly hard to swallow the fact that we have to re-play the game all over.

Gamers of the day!

Finally the PlayStation Move controllers were all set up by bf.
It's time to get some actions and play Start the Party!

Bf with the controllers that changes colours.

Snap a photo in the beginning to lock the character in.

Enjoying myself.

Zapping the ghosts.

Random snapshot.

Another random snapshot.

I'm holding a sword now!
Slicing the fruits that's going to fly by!

His turn to slice slice the pineapple.

Looking good.
Let see who can slice the most number of fruits.

Now the sword changes into a pizza pan to see who can hold the most number of ingredients that falls down.

The pizza pan turned into a mini fan in the next game.
The idea is to blow the chicks falling down back into the nest,
Instead of blowing, I keep killing the poor chicks with the blades of the fan.
Not intentionally but accidentally.

Bf's hand is tired. Haha.

After 5 rounds of games, bf still wins me.

He being crowned the champion.
He always wins.

PS: I suddenly have a business idea and that is to let people come to play in the daytime for let say $2 per hour? Only problem is nobody would be at home in the morning and the room is in such a messy state. If next time I have my own house, maybe one room would be for games and partying. :)

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