Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 Resolution + 供僧 @ 光明山 + Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 @ JP

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

As I reflect back on 2009, I could only say I had a great and smooth sailing year. I've survived the economic crisis and H1N1 and even had a short trip to Malaysia with my beloved. Life is just great! So here come 2010 which I supposed will be a great year for me too since it's the year of tiger and therefore it's my year! heehee ;)

My 2010 resolution is to :

- have more patience and try not to flare up easily (especially to people who are closest to me)
- try to exercise regularly (hope to slim down my tummy and thighs
- smile more (so I'll look great on camera) :)

I think that's all to my resolution list, shouldn't have too long a list if not they can never be fulfill.


信仰是一种精神上的寄托。当你遇到困难非常无助时,或许就会在心灵上请求帮忙。当然如果想要达到有求必应的阶段可不是这样容易的。这一次的供僧 @ 光明山可算是是我的第一次。听父亲说供僧的福报很大就买了这份供僧礼包 : 五谷丰收。就是一些干粮。当天有差不多一百二十多个师兄。我们必须把干粮分给他们。分得我还挺累的,一部分可能是没吃早餐的原因吧。


After the offering at the temple, went home to sleep. My cousin Lynn called me up to watch movie. Since her holiday will end soon, I thought I should meet her up before we both get busy from schools' work and works' work. Asked bro and bf to come along too cause they are the people I wanna see on the first day of the year. Haha. Had dinner at 点小二 since I don't have much choice of food to choose from because of the stupid ulcer.

We went to watch the 6.30pm Alvin and the Chipmunks. In this movie, the Chipmunks went to school. The chipettes are like the sisters of the chipmunks can. They have almost the same voice with the same charecters. Very funny movie and lots of nice songs sang inside. One part with Charice Pempengco singing "No One" makes me love this song and it's now the first song played on my blog. Though the original singer is Alicia Keys. In short, this show is for the kids and the young at heart~! :D

PS: I have finally came to Singapore's biggest air-con interchange. Biggest for the time being only. Quite cool since it's link to Jurong Point directly. I'm waiting for Clementi's one to be ready~!

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