Thursday, December 31, 2009

Countdown to 2010 - Hair-cut + Black nails + Night safari

It's the last day of 2009! What is everyone doing? Where is everyone going for the countdown? Marina? Vivo? Sentosa? For me, after my half day work, I went to trim my hair for a daylight robbery cost of $13 (cause the hairdresser say it's new year eve, thus so expansive) It's just a trim that makes no difference but since my colleague say before the year end better go trim the hair so that maybe can trim away any bad luck so I go lor. Anyway, I have decided that I wanted to keep my hair long again. No more short hair for me this year. I want to have long wavy hair or long rebonded hair. :)

Since it's the last day of 2009, I had a urge to do something NEW, something I've never done before. At least I can say I've done it before now. Thus the black DIY fingernails. Nice ma? The nail arts are not drawn by me but are actually stickers pasted on. The stickers were given to me by a friend few years back. Finally I had a chance to use it. HAHA. It may looks simple but I spent quite alot of time painting those 10 nails making me nearly late for work.


2009 countdown to 2010

At first I wanted to go to Labrador Park for the countdown as I read on the news that there's a free event going on, who knows at about 6pm+, I went to bf's house and his father asked us to go to the night safari (3 free tickets given by bf's sis) as today is the date of expiry. With three tickets on hand, I also don't know the extra ticket to give who, ended up going with my parents plus him.

We are all feeling very excited since it's our first time going to the Night Safari. Why didn't we go there before, perhaps it's due to the price of the tickets and we just felt that so dark what can we see inside? However, after this trip, I can say that it's not a wasted trip at all. :)

Snap a photo of the entrance. This yandao angmo actually got a shock from my camera's flash light. =X

This is still taken at the entrance.

Our complimentary tickets that also includes a tram ride. If one have to purchase it, the total cost would be $32.

Ranger station. Showing specimens of insects.

While queuing for the tram ride.

On board the black and white zebra stripe tram. *Excited*

We choose to sit at the second row. On the tram we went into the deep "Himalayas" and mangroves. We saw alot of animals that came out and were very active during the night. (not like going to zoo, sometimes the animal like so inactive that it's like fake.) At a few stops, we even have close encounters with them. However, we couldn't touch them and we can't on flash to take photos of them since in the long run they can be blinded by the flash light, so there wasn't much photos taken along the route. Most of the animals are adopted by different organisations and individuals. For example, the tiger was adopted by Tiger Balm, Lion by SPC petrol and Giraffe adopted by M1. After the whole tram ride, we all agreed that the animals are not very pretty in the night safari. Those rhinos, buffalos, pigs, Anteaters don't looks nice de. My favourite animals there are the Otters, Malayan Tapir, giraffe, Golden cat and maybe the slow Loris for its' really slow movement and the Tarsier for its' really big eyes. Cute!

After we alighted from the tram ride, we decided to walk in again by foot on the fishing cat trail.

No need to worry that there's nobody to introduce the animals to you because there's pre-recorded short introduction of the animals in 4 languages.

We had a super close encounter with the flying fruit bats. Everyone scream like hell inside when the bats flown about freely. So scare that they will fly into us. EEE.

So we walked until about 11pm before my parents went home. Bf and I went on a separate way with plans to make it to the countdown and watch the fireworks. The plan didn't came true. Ended up saw two fireworks at the night sky on bike on the expressway. Fated. Reached Newton Circle at about 12.15am and had dinner there. Had their fish soup bee hoon (cost $5!!) which is totally uneatable. Imagine Fish soup bee hoon cooked in fishball noodles soup. The bee hoon is too chewy like haven't cooked yet and the satay are too hard. Not nice at all still so expansive. My workplace - Alexandra Village there has got much better and cheaper fish soup!

PS: I had three of my first encounter today. First time painting my nails black, first time going to the night safari, first time watching fireworks on a bike. That's why life is like a long race. Everyday, there's something different happening and it's not up to us to predict. So no matter, the things we encounter is good or bad, we must still face them bravely. As the saying goes, "there'll always be sunshine after the rain". :)

VIDEOS TIME - Creatures of the night show at Night Safari

The crew giving us a fright

Serval doing its "CATWALK" while it was being introduced.

Taugar smells the grapes inside closed fist.

Python and the MACHO man

Racoon and Otters. So cute~!

Last part of the show.

NOTE: If you are going to the Night Safari, the creatures of the night show is a must watch and also the tram ride. It's fun!

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