Saturday, July 12, 2014

JULIE’S - Join the Movement, Share The Best of You

Following the launch of The Best of You movement on 1st June 2014, biscuit and snacks manufacturer, Julie's is gathering personal stories of people, things or experiences from the public that have brought out the best in them via the website

This movement is simple. It aims to encourage us to pause and take time out of our busy lives to recognize and appreciate the experiences that have brought out the best in us. Too often, small actions and achievements are neglected and forgotten but these are accomplishments that could lead to something bigger. Who or what brings out the best of you might not come to mind right away. So, let's take a few quiet moments and spend some time to reflect and think about what you have accomplished in your life so far. Think about those who have assisted you in accomplishing your dreams and how their actions inspire you. 


Initially when The Best of You Movement was introduced, there was a series of teaser advertisements showcasing four different scenarios and characters each questioning the public, "Who is She?" After the website ( was launched, the answer to "Who is She?" was also revealed in the form of four everyday stories of people being the best version of themselves. 

She's a rehabilitated ex-offender, Hui, who has rediscovered her place in the world through helping others. 

Max, an 8-year-old boy from a single parent family who takes care of the household chores on top of managing his schoolwork. 

Social worker, Firdaus, who is inspired by Madam de Silva whom he cares for and tends to. 

Janice, a full-time mother, wife and entrepreneur juggling the various demands in her life. 

Express "The Best of You" through a testimonial, painting, photograph, short video, poem, or even a physical item and selected submissions will be up on display to in a special exhibition to be held at Marina Square, Singapore from 22 to 26 October 2014 and at The Curve in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 28 October to 2 November 2014. Submissions for the exhibition close on 31 August 2014.

For more details and to view other submissions, please visit

In life, you'll realize that there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you. So it's either you receive a blessing or learnt a lesson.

During the different stages of my growing up life, I'm really fortunate to have certain people who came into my life to support and help me along the way. My grandma, without her there wouldn't be me. My mum, who will really do anything for me. My 'father' who came into our lives at the right time and really taught me a lot of life lessons. My teachers who taught me many valuable lessons. My boss, my colleagues, my friends. They all played a big part in my live. Lastly, there's my blog. The avenue where I can express myself, share good initiatives, get me a little bit of fame here and there. That's what really brings out the Best in Me! Thank you. 

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