Sunday, June 22, 2014

Singapore Philatelic Museum - The League Against Evil : A DC Comic Super Heroes Exhibition

The League Against Evil: A DC Super Heroes Exhibition is now on till 31 August 2014 at the Singapore Philatelic Museum. This exhibition is held in conjunction with Warner Bros.' celebration of the 75th anniversary of DC Comics Super Hero, BATMAN. 

It's the first and only DC Comics Super Heroes exhibition in Asia to commemorate the milestone of BATMAN. BATMAN has battled some of fiction's greatest villains using his intellect, cunning and an arsenal of gadgets to further his quest for justice.

"BATMAN was born of the Great Depression and his early tales are dark and brooding. In the 1940s he became more upbeat, more patriotic with emphasis on detective work with his new sidekick, ROBIN the Boy Wonder. The 1950s saw him travelling to outer space or dealing with strange scientific anomalies created by the Atomic Age. In the tragically hip 1960s his adventures bordered on parody. The 1970s saw a return to his darker side with a more hardboiled approach to crime. In the 1980s we saw his darkest transformation into a haunted loner obsessed with the vow to his long dead parents. The 1990s saw more emphasis on stories on a grander, apocalyptic scale." Chuck Dixon, 2001

Look at how the Bat's logo has evolved over the past few years. 

One also get to see the different series of the Batmobile and figurines of the super heroes and super villians.

Superman and his most distinctive and iconic appearance.

Fact you probably didn't know : The first version of Superman was evil! (Source: Super Weird Facts about Superman)

Wonder Woman Pose.

A superhero chessboard.

Dressing up with the props provided and we got to bring back this special photo at a nominal fee.

Even downloaded The League Against Evil Mobile App that allow us to take interesting Augmented Reality photos! We had a great time trying to spot and discover the 5 different DC Comics Characters.

We also went to explore other parts of the Philatelic Museum. They have a great collections of very interesting postage stamps. Love this set of glow in the dark stamps. 

Stamp that used Genuine Diamond! Wow!

Stamps that carry plant seeds which can be removed and planted. The stamps will gradually decomposed in the soil and provides a protective mulch for the developing seeding. How come I never receive such interesting stamps? 

Stamps made of other materials beside paper. You will be surprise by some of the materials they used. 

This set of six stamps is issued by Jersey in 2013. The stamps feature a number of innovative production techniques. Each material or printing method represents the special characteristics of the Man of Steel.

Thank you Jessie for accompanying me here. Be sure to catch the DC Comic Superheros exhibition before it's over!

(For Singapore Citizens and PR)
Adult: $6
Child (3-12 years) $4

Singapore Philatelic Museum
23-B Coleman Street
Singapore 179807

Operating Hours: 
Monday (1.00pm - 7.00pm)
Tuesday - Sunday (9.30am - 7.00pm)


Thanks for reading! 

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