Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eve of Chinese New Year : Reunion Steamboat Dinner 除夕团圆火锅


It's a bliss to be able to have a reunion steamboat dinner on a rainy day like this with my family and relatives. Most of the relatives I only met them once or twice a year during this Chinese New Year festive season and never did we exchange any contacts too. I only liked to sit around and listen to them chatting on the current affairs. Luckily, no relatives asked me some weird questions like when am I getting married. Haha.   



Ending my post with this very sweet WhatsApp greeting I received. Wishes from the eve of Chinese New Year right until the end and not only that, the emoticons used also quite matches the wordings. Cute and now I'm sharing and wishing everyone who is reading this post with this too! 


g.ta said...

steamboat!! so fun!! =`)

ChewyJas said...

hehe . yup . Yummy !