Monday, May 16, 2011

Opening of Shaw Theatres Lido + Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Thanks Nuffnang that I got a pair of 3D movie tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides. I have one confession to made and that is I've never watched the previous series of the pirates of the Caribbean at all! Ah, so knowing that I've gotten the free tickets, I quickly did a read up and watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End on Channel 5 yesterday night. At least, I know who is who in the movie and won't be so lost.  

First visit to Show Theatres Lido after a 7 months renovations. The feeling is all so different now.   

The iconic wall mural is replaced by this big screen and black images. The whole place looks so modern now. 

Singapore's first and only IMAX's Digital Theatre System! Read their introduction here. I wonder is Shaw's competitors going to come out with the IMAX system soon too? 

Congratulations on their opening. 

Didn't get to take photos with them in real so this is the best I can get.

Queuing for pop corns .

I would really really rate this movie a 5/5 stars for being such a great movie even without Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley from the past three hits. This time round, even the director has taken a change from Gore Verbinski to Rob Marshall. However, the series' ever charismatic Johnny Depp is still acting as Captain Jack Sparrow and nothing else seems to matter much.

Just the scenes on the mermaids at Whitecap Bay is fascinating enough. The movie started in London as we see Capt Jack Sparrow disguise as the judge to save Gibbs from the gallows and try to escape with him and then there's the big carriage chase as he jumps from carriage to carriage.
Next, we were introduced to Blackbeard, the most evil villain in the movie. As Jack was being forced to board his ship - Queen Anne's Revenge by the woman from his past - Angelica who's actually Blackbeard's daughter. Jack find himself getting into the journey to the Fountain of Youth together with them.    

Evil man
Queen Anne's Revenge
To get the fountain of Youth to work, there are certain items that is required. One of which is the mermaid tears and the other is a pair of silver chalices.
The mermaids are enchanting and lures men under the water to feed on them. Pretty as they looked but they are actually dangerous creatures.

This young mermaid in the picture was captured and the man in the picture called Philip was the only one in the crew who treated her with dignity and even gave her a name called Syrena. A romance story between them. 

All of them eventually did found the fountain of youth and a fierce fight broke out between Blackbeard's crew and Barbossa's crew. The Spanish team also arrived with the aim to destroy this fountain. Jack managed to get the last drop from the fountain and tricked Blackbeard to drink from the wrong chalice. This part reveals yet how evil Blackbeard was, in order to save himself he rather sacrifices his daughter.   

Cute Jack Sparrow Voodoo Doll! 
Anyway, do stay on as there's a post credit scene after the movie has end.

Met another blogger friend, Hui Yan and she helped us to take this photo. Thanks! 

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