Wednesday, June 24, 2009

North Borders @ Rochester Park

Celebrating our 2 years ++ of being together, we decided to have dinner at Rochester Park. It's quite a remote place and instead of taking a bus in, we walked from Buona Viasta MRT station. Before we get to the eating place, we still have to climb a flight of stairs. Great exercising before having a meal.

Our eating venue is at No 2. North Border Bar And Grill. Luckily, because the small the number, the less you have to walk in.

Being a part time waiter before, bf knows the technique to fold a napkin into a crane and a flower. Hehe. Nice hor?

Bf's Carbonara Pasta

Mine is Sizzling Hotplate Fajitas. It's a Tortilla wraps with Monterey Jack cheese, sour cream, guacamole, salsa & mixed greens and a choice of either:

Beef Tenderloin
Leg Of Chicken
Kurobuta Pork Loin

I choosed Leg Of Chicken. LOL. I was quite dumb, I thought the leg of chicken might include chicken feet which I don't eat but turned out is just the meat only la. Heng.

The food is sizzling hot.

We have a complimentary Warm Bittersweet Mexican Chocolate Torte. The restaurant's best seller. Served with summer berries compote & vanilla ice cream. We actually waited quite long for this dish. Think 20 minutes to prepare it but it's so worth the wait. The warm chocolate flowing out like lava when you cut open the cake + the cold vanilla ice-cream. Really hard to resist. Fought with my bf over this cause it's such a small piece only and if we were to buy another piece, it would cost $11!

Dessert makes me happy~

Satisfied after the meal.

Haha, before we left.

This photo looks fake, but it's the only one with the signboard.


LiS said...

so romantic_o!! i went there b4 for some co functions. nice ambience =D

ChewyJas said...

yup, quite nice but if rain ah den this would not be a good place to go liao..

ChewyJas said...

u went de is the same? No.2 North Borders? Or other restaurants?