Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Threee Little Words to Keep in Mind -- Geoff Tan

I like to read this column by Geoff Tan as it's always very inspiring. Today, his article is about how we are blasted with informations 24/7 from the television, parents, spouse and even the social media. So much so but just how much of these helps to bring people closer? 

The message titled "Three Little Words" are actually three words sentences that seems familiar yet foreign as we don't say them out often. 


"I'll be there" and "Count on me" assures your friend that they can rely you for support when needed.
"You are right" and "Please forgive me" shows your humility in admitting imperfections and mistakes. 
"I understand you" and "Let me help" reflect empathy and thoughtfulness.
"I respect you" helps to build up good relationships and friendship.
"I thank you" is not only polite but express appreciation for receiving help from others.
"I miss you" and "I love you" are verbal expressions for deep longing and affection for others. 


His parting shot in three words: Go do it! 
My parting shot in three words: Try say it! 

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