Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dinner at Soup Restaurant @ Vivo City

A pre-gathering for SY's birthday on 31st March.

Venue and presents all settled. So my role is just to be there and show face and pay money. The venue is at Soup Restaurant at Vivo. I got it mixed up with Soup Spoon but after seeing the Chinese name, I recognized it as the one that I've been to before.

White rice and Mee Sua

The dishes. Most famous Samsui Ginger Chicken. 

More dishes coming up. I love the claypot tofu. 

Happy lady.

A group photo before we departed. We chatted a lot. Mostly about our work. So after today's sharing session, I've felt that I'm actually lucky. Their workload don't come easy and colleagues also played an important part as to whether a job is worth staying on or not. 

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