Sunday, December 05, 2010

Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore SCMS 2010

Took part as a volunteer in Singapore's most iconic sporting events that brings together 60,000 runners, 7,000 volunteers, supporters, cooperations and the community. It's theme as "A race like no other" and this year instead of starting at the same locations, there's actually 3 different flagged off points - Orchard Road for the full 42.195km Marathon (20,000 runners, Minister of Foreign Affairs George Yeo being the Guest of Honour), Sentosa Gateway for the half-marathon (15,000 runners, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan flagged off the race) and the Esplanage Bridge for the 10km run was flagged off by Mr Seah Kian Peng, a Member of Parliament for Marina Parade GRC.   

Don't think it's easy being a volunteer, although we did not run, we have to assemble at 1am in the morning for the shuttle bus that brings us to our respective gathering venue. Lis came over to my house first before my father drove us to the Jurong East Mrt Station for our shuttle bus. Above is a photo of the Christmas decoration taken at 1.30am in the morning. 

As you can see, it's totally dark. While everyone is sound asleep at home, I'm here registering and getting ready. I think I only managed to sleep about 2 hours prior to coming here. 

2am in the morning. After registering, Lis and I started eating the bread, London Choco Rolls, Sponge cake etc for our early breakfast while waiting for our leader to arrive. I'm so glad Lis accompanied me to this event. 

About 3 am, our leader, Pei Yi arrived. We assemble together with the rest of our team member of the Start Zone - Courtesy 2 team. We would be in charge of the 10 Km run at Esplanade. My team consist of not only the young ones but also a few Uncles and Aunties. They are super friendly especially one called Uncle Low. He acted as if he's the vice leader and tell lame jokes to break the ice. He also likes to sing Bon Jovi's "It's my life" and pretend to have legs cramp when approaching the medics. Funny thing is that the medics don't even give a helping hand to him. I guess his acting is not too good. Haha.

About 3.30am, we have another round of food. Fried noodle. This is to ensure that we have enough energy to  last us through. 

This is the starting point. Look at that ghastly black shadow. I wonder who is that. 

Pretending that we are the runners. LOL

A much clearer photo sent to us by Uncle Low.

At 4am, we were roughly briefed about our duties and taken to our respective standing point. 

This is where I'm guarding. So my role is to make sure that the runners went the right way down the bridge instead of going across the road as they are so many road blocks around. It's 4.30am and the spot is rather deserted. Just behind me was a group of Malay youngsters cycling around and throwing water bottles around, making me feel quite unsafe especially with the recent slashing incident. Some clubbers also stopped to ask if I know where to get a cab. In front of me was a couple sitting on the bench overlooking the Singapore river. I am super glad that I'm not the last one to guide this spot. After me was a woman who is so much experienced, she's standing right at the bridge of the Fullerton Hotel. We chatted awhile and she told me that the race won't start so early so now we can sit down and relax first. After that, she told me we are lucky as our spot is just a walk from Fullerton Hotel and we can use the toilet there. She even brought her own toothpaste and mineral waters and towel. That shows how well prepared she is. Throughout, Lis and I also communicated through SMSes, just to know that she's safe over at the other end of the bridge which I can't even see her. 5am+, a few runners walked passed, since it was early in the morning and still so dark (so people cannot see my face clearly =P), I take the initiative to greet each and everyone "Morning, this way please" with a smile on my face. Most of them greeted me back and I felt happy. My greetings stopped when the sun rise up and it's brighter now. About 7.30am+ more and more runners walked by. It was hard to greet them and they themselves already know the way so I just stood there. Some of them asked for directions to baggage area. Some tourists asked for directions to get out of here. Too many road blocks around and I also not quite sure how to direct them. Around this timing, we heard loud cheers and claps from overhead. Guess what? That's the cheer for the runner who was the first to complete the full marathon. He completed the race with a time of 2hr 14min 6sec and won the top prize of US$50,000. He was Kenyans Kenneth Mburu Mungera. Amazingly fast!!! He even went pass the route we were guarding as Lis sms me to told me she even chatted with him. OMG! Forget to take photo with him. 

Anyway this is a photo of him crossing the finishing line taken from the yahoo news website. The woman guarding the point after me told me that, these top runners will travel around the world to take parts in all sorts of marathons, this is like their occupations. Imagine, winning US$50,000. That is more than my annual income already. How cool can that be but running 42km within 2 hours? Totally unbelievable!!! 

Our duty did not ends just at the point whereby all the 10km runners have gathered. At 9.30am, we were tasked to helped out at the Kids dash. The kids are grouped by their age and our duty is to stand by the side of the road that they are running, to make sure that help is there if ever any kids falls down or need help. 

The sun was burning HOT but many kids took part in this race nevertheless.

Initially, I was standing next to Lis and was quite close to the starting point. 

Not sure why, my leader arrow me and took me to far far behind. Didn't have a clue what's going on in front. I can roughly heard them singing a song and doing warm ups before running. The left side of the road is where the adults are running. Some of them stopped to cheer for the kids as well. =)

The kids really can run! I tell you. The younger they are, the more energy they've got. I even think my spot is redundant. They tried to dash pass me and I really felt that I'm blocking their way. Clapped and cheered them on.

For the younger kids, parents are allowed to run with them. 

Love this little boy and his sis with the pom pom. His sister was running ahead of him. Both of them said "Hi" to me. Sweet~

Then, I spotted this group of people. All the kids had already completed. As they were getting closer, I heard them shouting a cheer. Soon, I begin to understand why and the following videos taken by me will do the explanation.

Not deterred by the hot sun, not deterred by the fact that he's not able to walk on his feet. He crawl and finished the race. Good job! 

The kids race ends at about 11.30am and good news for Lis is that her bf had also completed the 42km race. Instead of going back to Orchard to get their baggage, the location has changed to Singapore Flyer. So he came over and find Lis. So excited and proud for him. He didn't looked exhausted at all with the medal in his hand. 

What a sweet couple. I was telling Lis that I'm so proud to have a photo of someone who has completed the 42km race in my camera. HAHA. 

12 noon, we rested under the esplanade bridge and were given some fruits and bread to fill up our stomach. After which we went back to Padang where we first assemble to de-registered and get our lunch boxes and complimentary EZ-link card.

The complimentary EZ link card that had a value of $22 inside. Went home after that. Didn't take leave on Monday so have to sleep all the way till morning. Skipped dinner altogether. 

Photo sent to the team by Uncle Low. I am really happy that I'm involved in such a major events of Singapore. It's like a once in a lifetime experience. Who knows, in the future, I might be one of the runners and not volunteers anymore.   

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