Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Appreciation Lunch treat by Ms Tay

Was invited by Ms Tay to join her and her happy agency for this appreciation lunch at Anchorpoint Jack's Place. Like a blink of the eyes, I've stayed another year in this Company once again. This is the first year I got invited to an appreciation lunch. I guess I must have provided them with much support this whole year as I'm clearer of my job scope and priorities.  

Ang Bao for those who contributed. 

I think it must be a big amount inside the ang bao cause Pauline looked surprised when she opened it. 

Cheers to another smooth sailing new year!

Classic Escargot Dish

After much persuasion from the rest of them, I finally ate one. Think it's my first time eating it. I didn't really enjoyed it. It's was quite chewy but I didn't taste it in my mouth for long. Just quickly bite it and swallow it. Sorry snail. You have lead a slow paced life and life is so fragile for you. You either get cooked or get stepped by pedestrian. Hopefully, after some evolution, your shell would be harder like the tortoise. Hehe. 

My Terriyaki Chicken rice

Last group photo before we split up and left. Looking forward to another good year to come. 

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