Saturday, October 02, 2010

Lunch special at Nihon Muza - Kallang Leisure Park

I was complaining about the lack of places and choices of food to eat lately and bf after listening to my complaints, took it very seriously and reacted immediately by bringing me to this restaurant called Nihon Muza at Kallang Leisure Park. He have already went there a few times for lunch and it was my first time there.

Order point. This restaurant has a unique way of ordering food. On every table, there will be a black container that looks like a pencil holder.

Every food item will have a photo and some ice-cream sticks placed inside. So if you wish to order that item, just need to grab that ice-cream stick and put it in your holder.

Even the drinks are ordered in this mannered.

I ordered way too much.

For sushi, it's buffet style and can be taken out from the conveyor belt anytime.

His root beer float with the cute umbrella stirrer.

My ice-lemon tea and Chawanmushi.

Food started to be served in. The sushi and Shitake.

Yaki Tori

Ebi fried, Tako Yaki and Potato Koroke. I really didn't epect such a big plate. I thought it would be 2 pieces of each item on a plate but we were shocked when the food were served. All were at least 4 - 6 pieces.

Fried Tofu.

My favourite honey glazed terriyaki chicken wings and Enoki Bacon. After eating so much, didn't really have the space in our stomach for sushi. Bf keeps on complaining that I just order without thinking.

We were afraid to pay up at the cashier. In the end this meal cost $74.60!!! :( Way too much already. So we skipped eating dinner altogether.

One last look at the signboard before leaving. Was really really full but did not feel energetic at all. Instead felt so sleepy so went home. Sinful day. Sure grow more fat again. :( 

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