Saturday, October 09, 2010

Laurier's Are you a Shooting Star event + Pizza Hut

Watching the TV showing Doraemon cartoon on a Saturday morning is a luxury to me. Usually, it would be time for work but today it's different. Something special is going on in the afternoon and I'm totally excited about it.

Mum and I took a bus down to Cathay Cineleisure where the event is held. This is the second event I went to that was organised by Laurier. I'm so glad that I've got selected by Laurier again. From this event name "Are you a shooting Star" one would have guess that what we are going to do will be to take photos.  

The pretty host of the day ~ [Photo grabbed from facebook]

This is the envelop that contains our task list. All the 50 teams can only open this envelop after we heard the whistle. The games goes like this, each team armed with a instant camera, have to go around taking photos that was required in the tasklist. One of the members in the team have to be in the photo.

The tasklist. Not very difficult but not easy either especially for my mum and I who don't frequent Orchard.

The first task we went to try out is Task number 6: Lips Lips Lips. This is by far the easiest. Went to Taka cosmetic section to search for black lipstick. Saw one team at the Bobbi Brown counter, they were lucky to have the professionals helping them to put on the black lip stick. When it was our turn, they didn't really bothers to entertain us anymore. Perhaps in their mind, they are really scolding us for not buying and just want their service. So no choice, I have to help my mum to put on the lipstick. The lipstick was not dark enough and I have to dab something that looks like black eyeshadow over. I was really clumsy at this and after it was done, mum felt so embarrassed to take the photo. She say I didn't even draw out her mouth shape. zzZ.

The second task that we went ahead was task number 7: Sprint for fancy prints. Happened to remember last year went to cotton on to buy a leapord prints night dress for another event and so head down to cotton on at Wisma straight away. This one super easy, luckily the salesman didn't say anything about no photos at the dressing room area.

After taking the leopard dress photo was the time when Mum and I got stuck with the tasklist. We couldn't see any other teams around as well. So we just walked aimlessly down towards ION area. We make the right choice as this is the answer to task 4: Colourful people. Quickly snap a photo with the right purple mannequie.

Task 3: Favourite cow requires us to take a photo with Woody the cow from Ben & Jerry. In my memory, i know that there's a Ben & Jerry outside Heeren. Rushed down but couldn't find any cow there. Enquire with the waitress and she told us to go to their outlet at Orchard Central at level 8! Reached there and I expect to see the big wooden cow but instead it was this small soft toy only. Haha.

Task 5: Hunt for Joanne Peh is simple. The hint is quite obvious, the finest supermarket in town. That's the one and only one at triple one somerset. When we reached there, other groups are also there already. One group is quite nice to tell us to go outside so we won't waste too much more time searching inside.

Task 1: Hey Mr DJ! Put a record on, I wanna dance with my baby. After doing this task do I know that the 98.7fm radio station is at scape? I thought all the radio stations are at mediacorp. Hmm. We didn't see the muttons in real person cause they are inside recording.   

Task 2: Sporty on Wheels requires us to take a photo with a RED Ferrari Sports car. This task being left until the last two shows that there's some difficulties to it. Thought of taking photo with a toy ferrari car but every toys shop we went to did not sell Red Ferrari toy car. Suddenly, I thought why not see if any magazine have a photo of it. Went back into the Cheers inside Scape and really lucky to find a sports car magazine. Search through the content page and VIOLA, task completed!

Task 8: Mr Dimples. This is the TOUGHEST task of all the 8 tasks and it's really the last task that we can complete. Not only do we have to observed the guys that we walked past. We have to pluck up our courage and face the possible rejections that they didn't want to take a photo with us. So so grateful for this guy who willingly helped us. At that moment I thought if we really did win, should pass something to him, but so rushed that forget to ask him for his number or name. :X

Pasted the complete set up on the score board. Chances to win even the consolations prize were low as we were among the last few to came back. That's why our score for time was really low. However, we did managed to complete the whole tasklist. :) Something to be proud of and we really run and sweat it out.

Our score on accuracy was among the average. Most of the team scores 75 - 80 for this. Our final score adds up to 93! :) We didn't win but all of us got another additional goodie bag on top of the one that was given out before the race.


Went back and have Pizza Hut for celebration.

Tried the new 7 cheeses on one pizza. The 7 cheeses are mozzarella, cheddar, monterey jack, provolone, romano, parmesan and cream cheese. I am actually not a very big fan of cheese. It's my mum who loves cheese. So I really have a hard time eating this pizza. To make things worse, we didn't add additional toppings. So it's just cheese and more cheese. :(

The only comfort is my favourite sweet and spicy drumplets.

Oh, and I spotted a mistake on their receipt. Minestrone soup spelled as minestone soup. I don't want to drink stones. :X

Home sweet home and these are the goodies and freebies from Laurier. Elated and hopefully they will organised more events like this next time. I'm looking forward! :D

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