Thursday, August 12, 2010

\\ The journey of my 100 meters as a torchbearer //

It all started sometime back in March when I received an e-mail from the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee with this as the subject "Unveil of Torch & Community Cauldron Design & Open Application for Torchbearers‏" This website talks about how to apply to be a JYOF torchbearer and about 560 torchbearers will be selected by random ballot through this channel. The rest of the 1,840 would be selected from various communities in Singapore such as students and national servicemen. In all, about 85% of the torchbearers will be the public, both as individuals and members of the various communities. Being curious, I signed up at the website provided.

3 months later, on the 17th of June, I received an e-mail from Shu Hua with the subject reading "Confirmation of Torchbearer for Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame (JYOF)‏". Attached in the e-mails were a congratulation letter, FAQ, shirt size chart and rules and regulations. I think I must have read the attachments at least 3 times just to be sure that I'm not dreaming. I've almost forgotten that I've registered myself for this major event. I was excited and told my parents about it. They were the first person to know. Following that, I didn't tell any other people as it still seems quite early to announce to the whole world.

Few weeks later, I received more e-mails from Brenda, one of the committee members. First was to submit a photo of myself for the website. Towards the end of July, I received a sort of finalised e-mail telling me that my relay segment is on Day 5 which is the 12 August 2010 (Thursday). Went for the briefing on 1st August 2010 held at the Singapore Polytechnic Auditorium. Received the torchbearer tee and pants and also the official letter stating the time, exact location of my starting point, the lamppost number and my 4 lucky identity number - 5446! Many commented that they didn't know the lamppost are numbered. Till that day, I still didn't tell much people about this news.

Coincidentally, heard news that one of my FSC's son was also involved as a torchbearer. His was scheduled to run on the 7th of August and alot of my colleagues are going to support him. Seeing how enthusiastic their reaction were, I quickly break the news to them too as I also need to apply a half day leave on that day. They were all very happy and excited for me and I felt excited too. Kept thinking about the 100 meters, whether would it be a long distance or not.

Subsequently, I found a photo of me when I was still quite small with my grandma. I was holding a flame torch which according to my mum was a lantern. The first lantern she bought for me. :D It seems like a childhood dream that came true. Posted it on Facebook and it fetches a few comments and likes.

Today, being the actual day of my run. I went to work as usual but with a heart pumping so excitedly. My colleague has kindly smsed the whole office about this news and almost everyone I saw in the office bombarded me with questions like reporters. Most of them were curious about how I got selected. Some of them didn't know it's just a 100 meters run. Some even thought  there's age limit to join and am I too old to join since it's a youth Olympic. Patiently, I tried to clarify their curiosity.  

Also received a few encouraging smses. One from Grace, "Hi Jasmine! I am so proud of u to be torchbearer of YOG and Singapore is proud of u too. Keep the flag of Singapore flying high." I replied her thanking her for her encouragement and the next sms goes, "Hi Jasmine! Know that the world bestows riches an honour for one thing and that is INITIATIVE, and u Jasmine have initiative and it cannot be stolen from u. God bless u." 

Bf is also very nice to take a half day leave. Though he seems unwilling and complained a lot saying he wanted to sleep, he still chauffeured me to my starting point at Unity Secondary School on time at 3.30pm.

That's Merly and Lyo, the mascot for Singapore 2010 YOG. Don't think that they are just mascot to look nice, each of them have their own personal motto, hobbies, dreams and even favourite food! They also represent the different Olympics values. That's what makes them special.  

A view of Unity Secondary School.

So, after registering, I am put to shuttle bus number 4. I tried to look around to find the one before me and after me. This is quite essential as we need to co-ordinate our action before passing on the flame. Without co-ordination, one might do a high five which the other do a handshake. At around 3.40pm,  5445 and 5447 and 5448 had still not arrived yet. I was getting a bit worried as two person in front of me didn't come means I have to run 300 meters. Haha. 5 minutes later, 5447 arrived. Still no sight of 5445 and 5448. So I will have to received the torch from 5444 who is a gal called Wanyi. She is a rather friendly and cheerful gal who I befriend at first. She and her friend were posing with the unlighted torch and I approached them saying I wanted to take a photo with it too.

On the shuttle bus with the torch in my hand. The Torch is made of aluminum, with the handle coated with non-slip material. Width: 5 to 8 cm. Height: 60cm Weight: 0.56 kg (without canister); 0.74 kg (with canister) We stop awhile at Kent Ridge Sec first to take a group photo (which I've yet to get) and a bottle of coke before departing off.

Look at the crowds of Clementi!

This is my lamppost. W84. 5446!! It's just nice at a junction.



The two open-roof top sponsor's bus. Red for Coke and Blue for Samsung.

As I heard my name being called, I knew it's my turn to get off the bus. Hurried down and met my parents, bf and Lis.

Have some time to rest and take photo before the torch was passed to me.

Eh, I think I saw them coming!!

The police car opening up the way.

This guy in sunglasses instructed me to come down to the middle of the road.

Wanyi coming, ready for high-five! ^5

Okie, I've got the torch in my hand!!!

And so my one minute of flame begins as I run and I run and I think I run too fast. Was supposed to run slower so that the one minute can drag longer but see I ran faster then the support runner in grey. :P

Take a photo first with Cheryl. 100 meters is simply no kick. Too short.


There was no delay in my relay and we finished the event earlier then expected. The concert at Singapore Poly. Didn't stayed on as it was too crowded and there's nothing much. Lis and I decided to have dinner instead. At first we thought we wanted to go to avenue two to meet up with my parents but after I called them, I found out they've already started eating. No point going down and seeing them finish eating. We ended up taking bus 106 to Clementi NTUC bus stop and walked over to the other bus stop waiting for bus to go to West Coast Plaza. 

As we were crossing the zebra crossing. Somebody horn me and shouted my name. It was my colleagues!!! CL and Lorraine~ So fated! They didn't get to see my run but we still met. The timing is just right somemore. I was so surprised and happy to see them but we can't chat long as the cars behind are horning. :P

SMS them to thanks them for being this nice gesture of coming down despite already late and the jam is really bad.  

Certificate of participation and pin just for us, the torchbearer.

Settled our dinner at West Coz cafe famous for their fish head curry with bf and Lis. After which, we went cold storage and home sweet home. Am really glad that Lis came down to support too. Just nice again cause she's on leave today. ~^_^~

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