Hello, I had an eventful day today. There's so many places I wanted to go to but due to time constraint, only went to a few. Visited the Home Team Convention 2010 at the Suntec City Convention Centre and below are some of the photos taken there. There's a lot of activities that the public can try like archery, rock climbing, air weapon. Sounds adventurous huh? At one corner, the home team dogs became the highlights of the exhibition as many dog lovers queued up waiting for a chance to take a photo with our pet heroes. So adorable yet held such a big role in the society helping us to track down drugs traffickers or even detect decomposed human body parts. Anyway, the main segment of the exhibition is to allow us as members of the public to gain a deeper understand and appreciate what the Home Team is doing for us. Their equipments, the initiatives they implemented that ensure that Singapore is always a safe place to live in. The peace and stability we had is not for show one. It makes us feel safe even if we were to hang out late outside for this we had our Home team to thanks for.
After the event, went down to Boat Quay. Had arranged to meet Lis there. Saw in the newspaper that there's some fun activity there but we only get surrounded by lots and lots of people warming up and getting ready for the dragon boat competition. Many of the booths are not available and only a nice booth giving out free jelly in exchange for namecard is open. Took some photos below before we couldn't stand the humidity and went to the nearest Mac there to rest and wait for bf to come.
When bf reached, Lis suggested to go to Mind Cafe. This is bf and my first time there. Mind Cafe is a place to eat and play games at the same time. Mostly board games. Think the main focus is the playing of games so the main course actually is not quite nice. The dessert were up to standard luckily. Since Lis has been there for a few times already, we summon her to pick the games. Heehee, actually bf and I were plain lazy to get our butts of the seat.
The first game we played was Monopoly. The real and correct way of playing is not as simple as it is. After a few rounds, I became the bankrupt and even have to sell off my houses. Counting the money was a difficult process too. Makes me wonder if it would be better if there is another set with the credit card version. So bf was the biggest winner in this game since he earned so much money from me.
The second game was a lame but super fun game called "First hand". The game goes that we had to follow and do exactly the same action as shown on the card, the one who do wrongly or was slow will have to take the card. So when the game ends, the one with the most card lost.
After that, we played the hang the monkey games. That is to remove the sticks across the plastic container tree but cannot allow the monkey to fall down. This game was ok la. Need some luck when we throw the dice.
The next game we played is the dog bone game. Similar like hard attack, we have to exchange cards to group the same colour cards together. The one who did so have to faster snatch the dog bone. With the three of us playing, I ended up always having the slowest reaction and didn't get the dog bone for even once. Lis say this is a fun game when more people is playing because sometimes, the people would still be busy exchanging cards without even noticing the dog bones is already gone. Haha.
The last game we played to end the night is the Slamwich game. This is the game recommended by the waiter cum instructor there. A bit confusing so the more I played, the more I couldn't win the game. Enjoyed the mind cafe session very much.
Went to JE to meet a buyer from eBay. Quite a friendly guy who brought along his wife.

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