Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rebond hair + Her World Glass House + Shopping !!!

Really had a wonderful day today. The funny conversations with Cyn and Lis during the bus ride to Little India. The efficient and cool services we got from the salon made me feel like a superstar like that. At times, there can be two to three staffs blowing my hair and applying the cream. Unlike those I went to previously which is always a one-to-one service. I think this is a very good concept which reduces the long rebonding time by a few hours. We reached there about 3pm+ and finish off at 5pm+. Only 2 hours! FAST! Somemore, the lady boss even give us a free serum (which I had wanted to buy) and a big tooth comb. :) So happy that I forgotten that I wanted to bargaine for the price in the beginning so ended up paying the fixed price of $120 but I felt it's worth it all. The serum alone cost $30 already. She then asked us where we wanted to go and told us the two nearest shopping mall is either City Square or Bugis. Of course we choose to go Bugis since City Square is not too near our home.

The salon is called

Closed on Sunday
Blk 637 Veerasamy Rd
Singapore 200637
Tel: 62953323 (Mary Tan)

Another reason I wanted to go Bugis is because I have wanted to visit the Her World Glass House there since last week but didn't have a chance to go. Today, with Lis, we both get our free personalised Her World Cover Shot in the glass house which I thought was beautifully done with my new hairstyle. The best thing is winner of the best shot will bring home a BlackBerry smartphone and sunsilk hampers! Though chances are slim, it still feels great to be on the "cover page" of a famous Singapore magazine. HAHA.

After that, we went for our retail therapy. Happily bought a blouse and skirt at Cotton On and saw alot of nice clothes at Bugis Village but I think I can't fit on. Bugis Village has expanded and now some part of level one is even air-conditioned. All those dresses and bags are selling so cheap there no wonder it's always so crowded there.

Had ramen (Kogashi Miso) for dinner at Bishamon and made a new friend there called Auntie Maggie who self made the ice lemon tea. She really deserve a service excellence award for her way of promoting the food.


greenteacarm said...

nice rebonded hair (=

Ken Wooi said...

nice pic on the mag.. =)

jfook said...

Nice outing you had!

ChewyJas said...

thanks everyone for the compliments :)