Guy in black shirt : "You all ah, better take care of your hair before it got damaged." (just for his action, he didn't really say that laa)

Next is a hair workshop by Redken's Salon, the speaker is very funny. Lis got picked by him to do hair strengthening. He keep saying our asian hair problem is the fizzyness and point point at my hair, point point at her hair for the baby hair that stood up. This session is also the session with the most participation from the ground. Lots of questions were shoot at him. Like what's the difference between a hair serum and a hair mask? How frequent should one do hair mask? Etc, Etc. And the answer is a hair serum is for you to leave on your hair for protection while hair mask is for conditioning and must be washed off. He said that we should apply hair serum if we wash our hair in the morning, as our hair is the most fragile when it's wet.
Finally is a facial workshop by Skinceuticals. The speaker is Dr Daryn Kang from Medical Aesthetics. I only remember him saying freckles, dark spots and a very chiminology term used for acne and also how to get rid of them by either using IPL skin treatment of laser treatments. From the before and after photo, it really seems be very effective.
After the whole workshop, we went to Ladyfinger to get our $5 manicure. It's always better to get professional manicure done then my DIY ones as they will help to trim, apply base coat, apply top coat etc not like if I do it at home, I only apply the nail polish direct which is not good for the nails as it will cause staining of the colours and yellowish nails.
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