Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bro's 21st Birthday BBQ + Buffet

It's bro Tecky's pre 21st birthday celebration. I was busy preparing for his birthday since last week. Every little details counts, from booking of BBQ pit to making this giant birthday card for his guests to write on, to ordering the cake and BBQ + buffet things. Just about the venue has spent me quite some time to think about. Even thought of booking a function room in the community centre but not cheap, and no food can be allowed inside so give up the idea. It's was so tiring but I think it's worth it. For my own 21st birthday previously, all these were taken care of by my father and my only job is to invite people. Now I have a chance to experience how it's like to set up a BBQ + Buffet. Even today, I was still last minute buying food stuff with the help of my parents and bf. Went to different supermarkets for the sake of getting better bargaines. Since it was also the Hari Raya celebration, ice-packs were sold out in almost all places, luckily Seng Siong still have the last pack.

Went down to the BBQ pit at around 5pm and our first guests to arrived was the S4 and family. They are really very nice, they came early to help us knowing that we are quite noob in this. So the parents of S4 helped us to start the fire. While ice-creams were given to the S4.

Bf and S4 parents busy starting the fire and BBQ-ing. They were great helpers that night and really really thankful for their help. I must admit I did not did any BBQ work. Halfway, I even went to the nearby playground to play colour catcher with the kids. LOL. Then they were asking bf where's his "helper" and bf say disappear already. Haha.

Another small hiccup happened and that is when I ordred the cake, I requested for dry ice, but they didn't provide. Thus the cake sort of melted at the corner. Luckily it's not so obvious.

Am glad that my brother's 21st birthday celebration turns up great overall and he enjoyed himself with almost all the relatives turned up, his poly friends, secondary school friends, and even primary school friends. Most importantly, it's also a gathering before he went into NS.

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