Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nuffnang- Cenosis Blogging Contest- A failed Slimming Experience

2 years back... when I just met bf... he looks like this :-

2 years later... the same bf... his weight ballooned from 90+KG to a whooping 120+KG :-

Everyone knows that being overweight brings about lots of health problems maybe not now, but in the later stage of life. Big sized people also encounter difficulties getting clothes that fit and are comfy.

Knowing all the negative effects being overweight will bring, bf and I had really been putting in effort coming up with an exercise regime. Not just for him, but for me too since my weight has been steadily increasing too.

The followings are what we have tried but failed.


We made a pact to cycle from Clementi to Ghim Moh every Sunday mid-morning to noon time to have our breakfast/lunch at the Ghim Moh market. The total distance cycled is about 3+km. Supposed to be very good plan to lose weight since we really sweat it out and we cycled to and back but guess why it failed?

Reason this plan failed:


At times, we would wake up late to half the day already gone and the mood to go cycling is totally gone too. On other days, we might be too busy with our own stuff, example he might wants to stay home and play his game and I might wants to stay home to watch TV.


So we would sometimes skip dinner or order one serving of dinner and share between the two of us so that the fats can be shared too.

This plan failed too due to:


The temptation of foods are really too strong. Also, if you are going out with friends, it would be quite awkward if we share a plate of food only.

We did not try taking slimming pills or going to any beauty centres yet because we have little knowledge on all these and friends around us did not discuss or have personal experience with all these too. So we have uncertainties in these technologies. What if the pills caused liver failure like the Slim 10 episode years ago?

That is until I've came to knew of a new technology called the Cavitation Technology at www.cenosis.biz/cavitation.php . First, my doubts on the safety of this new technology was cleared the moment I read the first paragraph.

"Armed with a team of physiotherapists and N2 License from National Environment Agency (NEA), Cenosis is proud to be the first slimming centre in Singapore to use the Cavitation technology!" (As quoted from website)

They have license from NEA one hor. Not only body weight is loss, fat tissues are also reduced and there's no collateral effect! Cavitation works by breaking down complex fatty acids to simpler fatty acids so that the simpler fatty acids can be passed out of our body. Sounds great right?

I really think if bf and I went for more of this sessions, we might really have no worries about our body weight again. Bf can buy clothes easily and I do not have to be afraid that people might say I'm like how many months pregnant that sort of thing. Most importantly, having a good built would build up our confidences too.

Sign off,
“Make an a ppointment with Cenosis right now, to find out how you can benefit from this wonderful technology at a special price of $33. Call 7000 700 6626 or visit www.cenosis.biz/cavitation.php to make an appointment.”

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