Saturday, August 15, 2009

Partyworld @ Liang Court and meet up with bestie and bf

Partyworld can be so fun with all these "musical instruments" available. The clappers and shakers. Haha. Fun to play with even if I'm not the one singing.

The most funny thing is they even allows us to play dice inside the KTV longue. Haha. But isn't that not very nice when someone's singing, we go and do other things? Hmm. Then the person singing would be like singing for nobody to appreciate.

We sang a mixtures of old and new songs and maybe because I now seldom go KTV and seldom listen to the radio station, a lots of new songs I don't know how to sing already. Not like last time during poly days, give me any songs I also know lo. Wahaha. Somemore those songs I choose to sing all required alot of energy and breath de. Now my stamina really not up to standard le. So most of the time I listened to the rest of them singing. Teresa very pro can sing the 10 minute plus song called 勁歌金曲 which is a mixtures of many many songs. So if want to learn this song must know alot of songs first.

After that rushed down to PS to meet my bestie and bf. Now bestie has been quite down with some personal problem but I don't know how to help her. :( Only can lend her my listening ear. Went over to ION as I have a bag of vouchers for ION. Free Gemstones, discounts etc. Think only used one for buying food. The rest even with the vouchers are still far too expansive le.

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