Friday, August 07, 2009

NAC-ExxonMobil Concert-In-The-Park @ West Coast

Feeling a bit disappointed that I was unable to attend the NDP this year again, I tried to find ways to get involved in other relating events. Spotted this NAC-ExxonMobil Concert in the park event on one of the arts magazine and decided why not go and have a look?

Organised by National Arts Council, sponsored by ExxonMobil Asia Pacidic Pte Ltd and supported by National Parks Board, not only can we enjoyed exciting performances by our renowned local bands, we also get to received a free NDP 09 goody bag. This concert really promises something for everyone. Goody Goodies! :D

The bands performing are Budak Pantai, The Lion Story and EN-X including Electrico, the band singing this year NDP theme song "What do you see".

Many people wearing red already.

Yay, we've got the purple NDP bag! Some people even went to re-queue again to get a second, third, forth one. Argh. Saw them putting all the bags into a giant trash bag and after getting the goodie bags, walked away. Never even stayed for the concerts.

The big hand serves as a drum and we can used the Mr Bean's stick to hit on it.

Zoom in the Cute Mr Bean's face. =P

Bf with the Singapore mini flag.

Mum's happy too.

Halfway watching the concert, people in front starts to open their umbrella. Blocking our view in the process. Really inconsiderate lor. So scare of the sun, don't come out please.

We got hungry and so we go and buy takeaway Mac. Now the shake shake fries are back again ma. So nice.

Bf stoning liao. He looks like he's preparing to sing the National Anthem. LOL.

Taking a photo with the wishing tree. Wishes for Singapore.

After that, went kite flying.

Last but not least, presenting this very colourful and hilarious band - Budak Pantai. It's a Acappella band and their songs are very unquie. They will used the melodies of the old songs but changed the lyrics to something funny.

I took this short clip. Last part of one of the songs sang.

They've sang exactly this same song at West Coast today too but this video is taken at other location. It's so unexpected when they sang this song. Never would have thought a love song would turned out like this by a change in the lyrics. Laughters broke up soon after they've sang the first line. Haha.

Budak Puntai Version of Unbreak My Heart (FUNNY)

Whenever I see your face, I want to vooooomit
doesn't matter what you do, doesn't matter what you say
I can't stand your voice or the way your walk
how you always scratch you know where
as if it's not enuff as your nose hair

unbreak my heart please don't come back again.

undo this hurt you caused when you walk thru that door and walk into my life
unwipe these tears, I cried so many nights,
unbreak my heart, please leave me

I always wonder why, you have a mustache

in fact it seems you have hair coming out of everywhere.
Everytime you talk, I will dodge your spit.
I've gotten your options ~~~~ (cannot get the lyrics of this part)
when i'm alone with you i always hold my breath.

unbreak my heart please don't come back again.

undo this hurt you caused when you walk thru that door and walk into my life
unwipe these tears, I cried so many nights,
unbreak my heart, please leave me

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