Friday, July 31, 2009

SICK - half day MC

I was feeling sick the moment I wake up. Feeling cold and shivery. Went to see doctor near my workplace and the doctor being nice and friendly issued me MC for today and tomorrow. Still went back to work because it's the last day of the month. Closing period. So busy. Until 12pm plus, my colleagues all saw how pale I looked so they rushed me home. Today is also karen last day of work. :( sad. Next time the seat beside me will be empty until the new replacement gal is here. Walked out of the office feeling very weak. Weak until like no strength want to die already still die die want to take this chance go BBDC to obtain my PDL (Provisional Driving License). After queueing and waiting and taking a short eye test, I finally gotten my PDL! There's one woman who even borrowed a spectacle from a stranger just so that she can pass the eye test. Win liao lo. The eye test very cute one. Make you look inside an equipment like a microscope, then asked you to identify three different colours to test for colour blindness. Then, is to asked you what the letter "E" is facing. Faced up, left, right or down. Lucky I got all correct. Took a cab home cause cannot make it liao. Spent the rest of the day sleeping and coughing and sneezing. :( BOO. Lucky no fever. If not might get qurrantine for H1N1 hor. I hate being sick. Make me felt so helpless and down.

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