Friday, June 19, 2009

Nikki's Farewell + Nuffnang Exclusive blogger guided tour @ Singapore River Festival & party @ The Arena!!!

Bid my colleague farewell and wished her good luck with my "good luck bear". Hope she can find herself a better jobs out there despite the economy being bad. No longer will I see her eating Wantan Mee in the morning before I go to work liao. She really can five days in a row everyday eat wantan mee one. Haha. I cannot. I must have different food for breakfast everyday one. I ish troublesome. :X Before she left, forced her to take a photo together for memory. She had warned me before hand not to post the photos in facebook, but she never mention blogs leh so... Hmmm. :X

A glimpse of how my company's lobby looks like. Very funny, by right one of us should be standing behind the cupboard lady but none of us did.

Her with the new colleague. She's younger then me! Omg, now I'm not the youngest in the company anymore. Felt so old now. Everywhere I met people younger then me.


After work, went to meet Lis for our most anticipated event for the week! To rewards us for being the early birds in the previous Flash Mob event, this is the follow-up event. An invitation for us to an exclusive Singapore River Festival Experience!!! Lis told me about the synopsis of the movie Drag me to hell and what is supposed to be a horror movie become our laughing points again.

8.15 pm - Registration in front of The Central (in front of Azabu Sabo Hokkaido Ice Cream Shop/ above Clarke Quay MRT). Along the way, we gotten each a lollipop from the ladies distributing them. They are trying to attract those outside to go into the shopping malls as they are having big discount in there. Brouchers showing tour trips as low as $1 were given out but with a condition that shoppers must spend a minimum of $80. At last we saw the Nuffnang team and the crowds. We went to get ourselves registered and we were given purple ribbons. However, before we could tie them to our wrist, one of the nuffnang team shouted out that purple team already full why still give us the purple ribbons? So we were put to the Orange group with Elise being our group IC.

8.30 pm - Bridge Spectacular Flights of Fantasy. Lis told me this is exactly the same performance she saw on cruise. The real joke is when we both didn't spot the performance initially and were busy taking photos of the boats in the river?! Wah lao. Then, I saw someone using the paper binnoculors then we spotted the acorbats. Hahaha. They are really small and far away la, so cannot blame.

9.00 pm - A River Romance Dance Musical. Haha. For this, when we reached the venue, the show is already half way through. No head no tail and so stuffy. We decided to stand far behind and get some fresh air. If really want to watch this, will have to come back again next time and be early to chop seats. Elise very nice keep asking us to go in the crowds so that we can have a better view.

As the night gets darker, the activities is getting more fun. This is our red heart-shaped stress ball (our ticket) for the next fun part of the event! That is the River Taxi! Lis actually edited this photo so that it don't look scary like two bloody heart.

9.30 pm - Cruise Down the River - DUCKtours. Taken in the River Taxi. If one wish to hear the tour guides one will need to stay sitted in the boat, but we both went to the deck and started taking photos. I think out there is more breezy then sitting down.

10.30 pm - Exclusive Pyjamas Party @ The Arena. One guy commented that my dress don't look a bit like pyjamas and went on to laugh and commented something like "HUH, you wear this to sleep meh??" Yah, I don't wear this to sleep, so what? At home, I wore just a t-shirt and last time during school days de P.E. shirts to sleep one, you expect me to wear that out meh??? At least this is comfy and I can also sleep in this.

So this is what the inside of The Arena looks like. We got free entrance and two free drinks. Woohoo \(^^,)/ There's a stage where live bands and performers can perform up there and the dance floor is just below the stage. So there is ample interactions between the singers and the dancers below. Really really cool!!

I took some time to warm up before getting to the dance floor. Quite a bit of peer pressure from Lis too since she adjusted well to the environment soon. 23 years of living and this is like my 3rd time to clubbing only. Have been to some pubs but never anything close to this. Initially was really uncomfortable. The songs is not my type and I don't have any dance move. So I also hide here and there hoping I won't get caught on the camera with silly actions. Later on, they have songs from Lady Gaga, Rihanna and listening to those familiar songs make me feel more relaxed and get into the dance straight away. I think when dancing one must really know how to unloose and not be shy or feel restricted. Really glad to have my bestie dancing with me that night. Thanks for the encouragement too. Hehe

2.15 am - Got out of The Arena and was damn hungry. So we went to have supper at Mac. After that take cab home and reached home around 3.30 am.

Credits for photos: Lis. Almost all photos taken from her camera.


Below are the better group photos from the Nuffnang team. I hope they will organised more outings soon!


LiS said...

haha.. ur entry is so detailed. machiam transported me back to the evening itself! i like!

hope that there will be more outings like this... thx for always jio-ing me to go~~

ChewyJas said...

sld be i thanks u for accompany me lo... :)