Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Boss Chalet - Cycling @ ECP

Lucky I am able to take leave today, if not would be so tired from yesterday's clubbing to enjoy the day at East Coast Park. There's so many thing one can do at the beach especially when the weather is perfect.

So what did I do at East Coast Park?


First, I went cycling. From the chalet there to the flower garden. I couldn't cycled fast because the road is full of cyclist and people roller-blading. My cousin thought I fall down or what and keep cycling back to see how come I so far behind. LOL.


Next, we went to the beach to pick seashells. Cousin and I both thought the seashell in the middle (the one with the black tube sticking out) looks damn disgusting. Before we threw it back to the sand, we took a photo of it first.


If you went into the sea, you might be lucky enough to catch some mini crabs or even sea horses. The kids managed to catch a mini sea horse (bottom of the containter).


We came across another group of people building sand castles. There's a booth there selling or renting the necessary equipment. The guy in yellow polo tee is demonstrating how to build the perfect sandcastles. While he was teaching, he also said alot of 做人的大道理。He said that kids nowadays seldom are the ATM generation. Need money just go wall to press a few buttons and money will come out. Only know how to spend time in front of computer. Then he say it's important to give the kids a chance to come out to play. To experience new things. "All sand castles do not exist unless you build them up with your hand."


There's lots of cats coming out during the night. I think cats are night animal. See how their eyes glow? We saw the cats coming out and playing catching with one another.


This is something which I never seen or played before. To get it moving, one have to twist the body. Kind of fun.


BBQ-ing the food. It's such a fun day at East Coast! Haha.

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