Saturday, April 04, 2009

Ikea shopping and Cheryl's birthday at Swenson

Went to Ikea with bf to buy shoe boxes. It might sounds silly. Why all of a sudden buy shoe boxes. Siao ah?? But this type of shoe boxes were exactly what I always wanted. I even wanted to design it on my own. What a coincident, the other day at work, I went down to level two to collect a card. Saw a Ikea magazine on the table so I just leisureily flip through and there I saw the shoe box that I wanted to design but of course didn't.

I had so many shoes that my small shoe cabinet couldn't so in the past, those shoes that I don't normally wear will be stash inside their original shoe box like the pics below. This way, I will fogotten what shoe I had and also if I wanted to find a shoe, it will takes times to open up each single boxes.

This product bring so much convenience and make my shoes looks so neat. Its transparent flip make me knows exactly what shoe are in which box. I didn't have to carry the top boxes down to get the shoes that are stack in the boxes below. Cos the opening are at the side!!! SO COOL. Just in case you are wondering about the price. It cost $15 for 4 boxes. Quite a must buy I should say.

Bf bought a bookshelf for $29 at Ikea too! The cheapest out of all. Happy that we both got something we wanted. Below is a photo of the bookshelf. He needed it badly to put all his cute cute stuff la. Otherwise, all these were previously clutter all over the place, on his table, on the floor. Now, the space looks much neater.


7pm went to IMM's Swenson for Cheryl's birthday. Birthday girl treated us to some yummy ice creams. They were all very funny nice folks. Two pro photographers were there so I'm waiting for them to sent over the photos before can post up. After dinner already quite late and all the shops are almost closing. Went to Daiso instead.

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