Monday, April 13, 2009

Auction at Boss House

Our bonding event for the month is Acution Day + Potluck at Boss house. We are allowed to leave one hour before the usual working time and Uncle Wang give me a ride. There are lots of variety of food for the potluck contributed. Lots of branded 2nd hand goods were up for acutions. It's just cheap like crazy. Some just get as low as $1 per shirt?!! The money collected will goes to the Samsui Woman in Redhill. Think we will be paying her a visit next month.

Holding the goods for acution.

The whole dinning table is filled up with food. Beancurd, jelly, roast chicken, curry chicken, roast duck are just a few items to list. I ate alot that day and everyone keep saying I was a big eater. LOL.

This is what I bring over. Chocolate fondue + Mashmellow. I didn't know it was so hard to prepare the chocolate fondue. The chocolate fondue chocolate chips are not sold at NTUC or the common supermarkets. You can only get it at Tangs or their factory outlets. I didn't believe it so I went to buy those baking chocolate bars at Giant. When I brought it over, my colleague told me this chocolate she bought before but couldn't melt one. After hearing her saying that, I felt a little bit disappointed. Luckily Nikko save the day. He say can try and so he helped me to cook the fondue chocolate. He pured the baking chocolate inside the pan and mix with hot water. It became quite dilluted. Then, he remembered he had a big packet of small chocolate Mars bar. So we break the small chocolate Mars bar into half and put in to make it less dilute. The final result actually works well. Taste somewhat like the real fondue. Hehe.

This is the Cheong Sum I bought at the acution for $20. Damn good stuff. The silk is smooth and comfotable to wear. I don't have the figure to wear so I gave it to my mum. She can wear it during CNY next year le. Haha.


LiS said...

wad?! branded 2nd hand stuffs going so cheap!! if i were there, i would have grabbed alot home

ChewyJas said...

Haha.. yah.. but mostly is guy's shirt...