Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pet Friendly Cafe : Sun Ray Cafe Gives Pet Owner A Ray Of Happiness!

In Singapore, pets such as dogs or cats are not allowed into public transports, shops, eateries and other indoor public places. It's quite rare and uncommon to find a pet-friendly cafe because not many people can accept the idea of eating with the furry animals unless they are pet-owners themselves. Many people frowned at the idea, some complained about sensitive nose, others are afraid that the pets would make noises or are dirty, but to pet owners, pets are just like their own kids and to be able to bring their pets along for a casual meal would be a wonderful idea to spend quality time together. 

Although I'm not a pet owner, I do have friends who are and they always told me it's so hard to find a pet-friendly cafe. So I'm glad to be able to share with pet owners and everyone else about this cozy pet friendly cafe which I've been invited for a food tasting session. It's called Sun Ray cafe and is located in the north east part of Singapore in Serangoon Gardens. It was established in December 2010 singlehandedly by Dave Lim, the owner and really brings a ray of hope and happiness to pet owners and lovers. They also hosted numerous pet parties so if your pet's birthday are coming up, you can bring them here. 

Avoid the fast-paced of life in the city and come to Sun Ray cafe for a laid-back and relax chill-out. Beside that, Sun Ray Cafe has also enjoyed numerous features in local press and publications such as Straits Times, Zao Bao (Chinese daily), 8-days, i-Weekly Chic magazines and 9tro magazine as well as from radio stations such as 93.8 Live, Symphony 92.4 and Love 97.2 FM. Sun Ray Cafe was even given the award of 'Best Loved Prawn Pasta' by CozyCot, which is a popular online portal on beauty, fashion and woman lifestyle. 

Sun Ray Cafe is actually two shop lots combined together with the left side for patrons with pets and the right for those without. So Jess Baby is at the left side of the cafe with her dog, which I will introduce later and Only William is inside at the right side of the cafe. For our food tasting session, we were all seated inside their private function room which can easily hold up to 10 people or more.
Now I shall presenting a photo of Coco, Jess baby's furry friend. She is our main attraction of the day and to be honest, I was quite surprise that she is so obedient. Sitting properly on her own and she didn't even bark or make much noise throughout the whole food tasting session. 

Love the concept of all day breakfast with coffee on the house at Sun Ray Cafe. It's a great idea for people like me who can't sleep at night and woke up late in the morning but still want to eat breakfast in the afternoon. Hehe. Now comes the food dishes. 

We started off with some alcoholic drinks that not many places served. They do sell commercial beer like Heineken too. All of these has only 4 to 5 percent of alcohol content inside so not to worry even though we drank it on an empty stomach! 

From left to right: Lichee Taiwan Beer, Fruli Premium Strawberry Beer, Swedish Rekorderlig Pear Cider, and Japanese Craft Beer - Kitachino Nest


Our favourite our of the four beer is the Fruli Premium Strawberry Beer. It's a premium Belgian white beer brewed with pure strawberry juice. Even the guys also love it. It has a high intensity of the sweet strawberry taste which is refreshing and bursting with flavours. 

Japanese Craft Beer - Kitachino Nest also known as Japanese Owl Beer is a white ale brewed with wheat malt and flavoured with coriander, orange peel and nutmeg. It has a soft and flavourful taste. 

 Food is here. I was so deeply drawn to this appetizer by their way of presentation. This dish is called Sun Salad which is in line with the cafe's name. The middle part when cut into half reveal the soft-boiled egg covered by the wing which is actually bread crusted with cornflakes. It represent the sun ray taking off, just like the business soaring into higher heights. The salad is baby romain lettuce tossed with caesar dressing and tomato with some crispy bacon (pork). It's a must-order dish.

Asparagus & Bacon was served next. The asparagus was poached in salted water and wrapped in bacon. Served with poached egg and orange hollandaise sauce, the crisp bacon and fresh asparagus is so yummy that I wish there's more. 

Minute Steak & Eggs holds true to its name as it takes just a minute to grilled the beef loin before serving with baby potato, cherry tomato and an egg to top it off. Rosemary herb, garlic and olive oil were also used to make it more flavourful. Even though it's only grilled for a minute, the steak is well cooked and still remains tender. 

Poached Salmon Fillet is salmon poached in soya milk for 4 minutes and served with asparagus, lemon juice, butter and cream. This is a very healthy dish and the salmon is as thick as a fillet portion with skin removed. 

While we were having our delicious meal, Coco was also not left out and was served with a lamb meatball. Can tell that she loved it very much. 

Cumin Crusted Lamb Rack up next. The lamb rack was crusted with dijon mustard, cumin baked for 15 minutes (medium rare) and served with Ratatouille. I'm not a lamb lover but if you are, you may wish to order this. I love the ratatouille that consist of courgette, red, yellow, green capsicum, garlic, onion, bay leaves, tomato paste, tomato whole, red wine, rosemary and lamb juice.

Yorkshire Pork Racks is the last main dish for the day. The pork rack was first grilled for 10 minutes and put into the oven for 4-5 minutes before serving with sweet potato, mushroom and apple cider sauce. 

Our ice-cream for desserts and coffee and tea to enjoy. 

We were very honored when the master chef of Sun Ray Cafe, Chef Darrar Hassane took a bit of time off from the kitchen to have a chat with us. He shared with us interesting stories of how he used to be a chef in the UK cabinet. No wonder the food is so up to standard. I felt like so royalty. 

The Bicycle Rider wall sculpture by Uri Dushy is a pretty backdrop for photo taking. Be warned as you scrolled on with lots of photos taken against this backdrop of Jessie and I. Hahaha. 

Haha, you've been warned. It was a wonderful dinner with Jessie (Jess Baby) , William (Only William) and Wee Heng (AspirantSG). Thank you!  

Be a fan on their Facebook page here and visit Sun Ray Cafe from now till 31 December 2012 to enjoy a 10% discount. Do visit their website here to get updated information on their latest offerings and promotions! 

Address: 79 Brighton Crescents Serangoon Gardens Singapore 559218
Tel: 6283 8700

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