Saturday, October 13, 2012

Garden Party at Paragon Orchard Lobby

I was at the Paragon for an afternoon of garden party alongside canapes and bubblies. It's called a garden party for the whole area was decorated with pots of lovely flowers! Seeing the lovely flowers and smelling the nice fragrance just lighten my mood. Each type of flowers represents the following signature fragrances:

 Love, Chole, Eau Florale | Dot Marc Jacobs | Balenciaga L'Essence 

Breads that were served. My favourite is the ones on the second and last tray. Had to grab them fast before they turned into perfumed breads.

 So why do women used perfume? I asked my mum and she gave me a very simple answer, "the pleasant smell of the perfume makes me happy." 

Different types of perfume can be used to share different personality. Choose your signature scent and let it lingers behind. This not only catches the attention of others but also leaves a deep impression, making people inexplicably think of you and wish that you were here longer.

It is also a known fact that there is a strong connection between fragrance and memory, especially that of someone you love. A certain specific scent can cause people to be happy, to feel nostalgic or even to cry if it's tied to a very strong memory, for example, the scent of the death of a loved one. It's goes the same for perfume.   

For guys, try buying perfume for a girl that you are fond of the scent that you think smells good. If she's fond of you too she'll wear it.

Can you make a guess which type of flowers represent the signature fragrance already? If not, I'm going to reveal the answer in the photos below!  

All three fragrance belongs to the flora category. 

Dot Marc Jacobs : It actually has a fruity smell too and comes in a cute ladybug bottle. 

Love, Chole, Eau Florale : My favourite Champagne Roses represent this perfume! Plus it comes in a nice, sweet packaging. So my vote goes to this. 

Balenciaga L'Essence : No comments for this. 

Sorry for the very brief comments for the perfumes. Not very good at describing them but I know the fragrances I like when I smell them. Love the small door gifts. 

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