Saturday, August 04, 2012

Happy 47th birthday, Singapore ! NDP 2012 Preview at the Floating Platform

In another 5 days time, it would be Singapore's 47th birthday! Woohoo. The last I went to watch the National Day Parade live was when it was still held at the National Stadium, so I had been hoping that I could at least watch it live once at the new venue, Marina Bay Floating Platform. This year, upon realizing that we (used up all NRIC of my family members to register) didn't won the balloting of the NDP tickets, I've already given up hope and thinking to try my luck again next year. It was until one day, bf whatsapp me and told me that his sis has tickets to the NDP Preview and asked me if I wanted to go and my wish came true again! 

The admission tickets. We were in the Blue Sector. There's a total of four different colour sectors. Blue, Green, Red and Yellow.

A sea of red. Say, even if you don't know where the floating platform is, just follow those big group of people wearing red. We are all going the same directions. 

Taking photos while waiting to get into the parade. 

Us wearing red and getting ourselves settled down while waiting for the parade to start. 

Host Gurmit Singh made a special entrance by landing to the platform on this giant hot air balloon! Everyone cheered for him. 

The Combined School Choir and band started the pre-parade as the the heart-shaped kites flies in the air. 

Everyone was asked to hold up the red scarf with the word SINGAPORE printed on. How it looks like on the big screen. 

The Integrated Precision Drill and Motorcycle Performance. They've incorporated the cheerleader stunts in the motorcycle performance and the motorcycle is moving one, not stationary for show that type. I wonder how the one in front can bend so much on a moving motorcycle. 

And let's welcome the MP! This is just a simulation. Remember this is just the preview.  

LOL. Host Suhaimi is demostrating the SAF Red Lions landing and how we should cheer. So before landing, we would all scream "OHHH ~~~" and after landed we would all scream "YAY!"

Before that we have a screaming competition to see which colour sector can scream the loudest! They even have a scream-O-meter. The louder you scream, the higher the colour bars raised to. This one is bluff people one la, when our blue sector scream so loud, yellow bars keep increasing instead. It's just to fill up time before the SAF Red Lions can be seen.  

Let's put our hands together for the Singapore Armed Forces Parachute Team for their Free Fall Display! Go Red Lions! Approaching the floating platform! 

Still very far away. So I tried to take some artistic photo with my mini Singapore flag. 

Within like one minute, we can see the Red Lions more clearly now. Everyone cheered. 


I love this photo! 

Remember the Cheer??? "OHHHHHH~~~~~"

YAY!!!!! All 5 of them landed safely and gracefully! Good job, our Red Lions! 

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) (NS) Clarence Tan, Parade Commander. Highlights of this year's marches include the Commitment to Defence March, Onward March and City March.

Put on the I heart Singapore tattoo! ^^

A truly symbolic moment whereby the state flag are handed from a group of Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) to full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) and students from uniformed groups. This symbolises the passing on of the commitment to ensure the safety and security of our Country, from one generation to the next. 

Majulah Singapura . Onwards Singapore 

Aerial Flypast

A bird just flew past. He joked that later the poor bird got shoot down by the presidential gun salute.

Presidential Gun Salute


Heart shaped waves! 

Is this another bird? 


The clappers have lights inside that will light up when hitting together. 

The kids drawing her family and school with a giant crayon on the ground.

Colourful parade. 

Multi-Racial, Multi-Cultural Singapore.

Cute Dr. Jia Jia and Big Bro conversation.
Big Bro : Do you love me? 
Dr. Jia Jia : No. 
Big Bro : But I'm your brother and I love you!
Dr. Jia Jia : Ok, then I love you. *HUGZ* 

Visit their YouTube Channel :

End of parade. I love Singapore because it's my home. Although I love travelling to other countries, that is only good for short term holidaying. Singapore is still a safe and stable Country. Love our uniquely Singlish, love all the great food around. Love everything about Singapore. ^^

This year's NDP fun pack! Comes in four different designs - Identity, Spirit, Love and Home and can be carried in three different style. Aboved are what goes inside the fun bag. Not bad right, it's definitely durable and waterproof. I've posted a giveaway here. Do participate if you want to get the bag.


Two videos which I've taken at the NDP preview. Just nice the first video was the opening and taken in the day time and the second video is the closing and taken in the night time. It was really an awesome performance and parade. Noticed how the big screen this year was shaped like that of the Singapore island? This is one of the special feature in this year's NDP! 

The Opening : Meshed up songs from Bruno Mars - Count on me , Just the way you are , Jason Mraz - I'm Yours and Count on me, Singapore !! The hosts for the parade are Gurmit Singh, Jean Danker, Joakim Gomez, Sharon Au and Suhaimi Yusof. Great job at mingling with the audiences and making the whole parade so high and lively! :D

The Closing : This year NDP Theme Song - Love at First Light by Olivia Ong and Natanya Tan and Stand Up for Singapore. Also managed to take the fireworks in the night sky! Beautiful! :D

The whole photo albums

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