Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy birthday ~ MUM ~

It's my mum's birthday! Happy birthday to her. Since a woman's age is secret, I just requested for one candle from The Icing Room (Jurong Point). Review to be up soon. Nearly everyone who have seen my mum would exclaimed in shock about how young she looked, just like a sister of mine. I agreed totally, I think if she would doll herself up, she would looked far prettier than me. It's a pity I don't looked like my mum, I looked like my real blood father whom even my bf have never seen before. To those compliments, my mum would usually reply something like, "where got? Didn't you noticed the wrinkles around my eyes when I smile?" Though she always give this type of  denying replies, I knew she's secretly very happy deep down inside to receive compliments. I mean who wouldn't be happy? Well, that's the benefit of getting married and pregnant at a young age, I guess. So that when you've reached the age of 40 plus, your kids is already 20 plus and able to work to support the family while you can retire and stay at home. I should be following in this trend since I always told others I wanted to retire early but I don't want to be the sandwich generation whereby I have to give money to my parents and give money to my kids and ended up having nothing for myself. So I hope to just enjoy life for a few more years, travel to places I've never been to, have less responsibilities before I settled down. My mum is a full time housewife so her income is mainly from me and my father. Though, currently we don't struggle to make ends meet anymore (thanks to my job that pays me reasonably enough) but we weren't that rich either. The thinking that one have to be very very rich in order to stop working and retire is just wrong. My mum can stopped working not because we are a rich family but because of the simple life she's living or rather we as a whole family is living. She don't buy alot of things other than the household groceries. She don't buy any cosmetics (save a lot), she don't buy branded goods, she seldom buy new clothes since she say she seldom go out. Same goes for me too. I supposed I literally ate away my money. I spent quite a fair bit on dining in restaurants. If I were to cut down on this aspect, I would have saved even more money. Then again, we can't bring the money we gotten into the coffin right? So what's the next best thing to do? Donate them! Give them back to the society. Spent less on buying things that you don't need and that amount is able to give to others who needs the money more. Lastly a group photo of the people I love. I love my family. Yay.

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