Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm still feeling lucky : Winning Scratchit

I'm still feeling lucky today. 

This is my lunch from my favorite auntie's stall. I'm lucky because on rare occassion do I find lady fingers! Hahaha. I love eating lady fingers. My friends who hates it told me they don't like the sticky sticky starchy thing but that is what I liked the most. The rest of the dishes are all my favourite too. Such a big serving that the rice was completely covered up. I love auntie's home cooked food!! Yay! :) 

Won $5 from this card under Game 2 whereby I got the number 88 in my card.
Won $4 from Game 1 as it  appears three times in my card.
After lunch, I went to the OCBC bank to drop some cheques for my colleagues. On the way there, passed by the Singapore Pools so I thought, since I'm feeling lucky, I might as well buy some scratch cards. (The last I bought was many many months ago again) Bought three scratch cards worth $6 and out of the 3, 2 cards were winning cards! In the end, I win back $9, giving me a profit of $3. Not a lot but I'm contented cause I'm saving my luck for other days. Hehe.  =^_^=

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