Friday, September 30, 2011

Olay Project 360 - All Ladies Pampering Session at The White Rabbit @ Dempsey

Thanks to Hui Yan I got to attend this nuffnang event as a +1. I thought I didn't get selected cause I didn't write a good post on the previous pampering night event by Nuffnang and Whisper. Wanted to go for this event since I felt it would be great to enjoy a pampering night after one whole busy month. This event is the finale to the series that Olay and Nuffnang has launched on 14 Sept 2011. Called Olay Project 360, each week we watched how the celebrity bloggers and their partners compete against one another in different activities. Tips were also shared on how to combat different skin concern with the experts from Olay and host, Xiaxue. For more information about the series and to view all the videos, please go to

Held at the White Rabbit @ Dempsey, I was pretty excited to visit this charmingly restored chapel turned restaurant. It was even listed in the Time Travel website as one of ten things to do in Singapore. 

Okay, I know I shouldn't even post up this photo. It's such a lousy shot of the restaurant but being late and dark, I only took this one quick snap and went in. It's such a fine dining place that as I was approaching the main door, the waiter was already there helping me to pull the door open. Wow indeed. 

The event was not held at the bustling restaurant but at the garden bar outside. As usual for all Nuffnang event, need to register first at the Nuffnang registration counter. A green band to identify ourselves and for the serving of free flow drinks. Main guest also got a goodie bag full of Olay products. 

After securing a seat and gotten our drinks, it's own time own target to explore the place and photo taking time. Heehee.

Tumble down the mysterious rabbit hole to find a white rabbit that has turned into stone!

Anti-stress Indian head, neck and shoulder massage! Yes, I need it badly. Very relaxing but the loud music in the background defeats the main purpose. If not I might just fall asleep. While I was closing my eyes and enjoying the massage, I got my friend to help me take photos too.

A happy and satisfied Val with her hand massage and paraffin. I didn't try this as I tried before at the previous pampering session.

Hui Yan at the Heat Compress massage station. I've tried this too. Helps to relieve tension as the heat compress is made from herbal ingredients. I can feel the strong smell of ginger. I can feel sharp pain when the therapist place the hot compress on certain parts of my shoulder. Not sure is those point was affected or simply cause the thing was too hot it was burning pain. 

The wide ranges of Olay products! Too bad it was quite dark and can't really see which is which and there's nobody there to guide us. Although we were free to try them, not many people have any idea which one to try. They should have somebody stationed here. In fact, when I was standing there, two ladies came up to ask me questions but later they realised I'm just a guest here too.

Photos taken with Valerie Lim. Her blog - and she was crowned Miss Singapore Universe 2011! She was super tall can, standing at 1.79m, makes me felt so short that no heels can help. 

Self-take photo with Val.  A little bit too dark. 

Edited with a frame. Looks like F1 racing flag huh?! hehe.

Where does this leads to? 

An empty white swing like this at night looks spooky. *Pray hard it don't start swinging by itself*

The stars, the celebrities bloggers and announcing the final winner for the Olay project 360. 

Pass by the inside of the restaurant as we went out.

One group bloggers photo! Yay! Took home some decorative materials and shall do up the photo frame Hui Yan gave me and put this photo inside. Hehe. I've got halo light above my head. I'm such an angel ~~ ^^V Enjoyed myself and we walked out through a short cut passing through Au petit Salut. Quite an inconvenient place without transport to go out but luckily once out, I've got a direct bus home.  


Kelvin said...

1.79 m??? I am shocked.

ChewyJas said...

Hahaha , ya . 1.79m is w/o heels some more ..